Monday, October 18, 2010

Its a Baby Missionary Straight from the MTC!

Well I guess I will start out with the big news for the day, at 7:30 we got the cambios from the Zone Leader and well my compo Elder Pierce is going inside to Tomé, it is on the beach near Penco and Concepción, Elder Stephenson is going to my old sector in Chillán, Cordillera, so I am stoked about that because he can take stuff to my converts. He is happy too because I told him all the good things and about the great food. Well Elder Cockrell is training and for me..........
I´M GOING TO HAVE A SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or in normal people terms I´M GOING TO BE TRAINING A GREENIE FRESH FROM THE MTC! HA HA HA HA HAHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
I AM SO STOKED I HOPE HE IS A GRINGO BUT IT MIGHT BE A LATIN. I am super happy though and it will be so much fun. Tomorrow I have to be in concepción around noon so I have to catch a bus out of here at 7:30 or 8 am the only thing that will stink is I will spend about 20 mile in traveling tomorrow, oh well así es.
I am going to tell you I screamed for joy when I saw that Nick Price got his call.... he will be such a great missionary and Mendoza is a huge tourist spot. It has some of the best natural views and stuff like that in South America.....I actually know a Hermana there; she is the mission doctor. I was in the MTC with her she got held back because of her visa so she was in my district for a while. Nick might have to wait because of the visa thing; in Argentina you have to get your visa before you go not like here in Chile where you do it when you get here. I am so happy for that guy he will do great. This whole week I was waiting to hear about him. Tell Nick I love him and I am stoked for him. That is so great! just keep him pumped up and tell him to go to the temple a bunch and stay out of trouble. Haha! Oh I am so happy I am just so happy today a lot of good news has hit my ears wow! and Ryan is off to the MTC wow that is so crazy will he be there six or 8 weeks? I tell you time is flying.
This week was a hard one but we made it through and finished it strong and that is what counts. I am happy to say I did all I could this week. I received a big compliment this week on a mini cambio with the Zone Leaders....I was with Elder Pilcher and we were talking about the work and difficulties and he said that the assistants to the President and Pres Humphrey said “Elder Pierce and Kuykendall are the best teachers in the mission” I was stunned so crazy to hear that....he said they didn’t know why we weren’t having success so that is why we were doing more mini cambios and such to help us out. I learned a lot this week in how to better the work and be more efficient. Elder Pilcher also said pres was a little worried about my moral because he could tell I was working hard but also could see the frustration, “he said this mission needs Elder Kuykendall” that really gave me a boost and I think they were the perfect words to pick me up and push me forward. I love the work but it isn’t easy.....I love it though wouldn’t trade it for anything. It was a good week tough but good. we had a lot of appointments fall so it meant a lot of contacts in hot weather and in rain, got soaked on Thursday because we left and all the sudden it started to pour but kept working till we were close to the house haha we had a miracle happen though because the sky cleared up and passed by a contact and got in. The girl had just had her baby and we shared with her and her sister, Katy (20) and Coni(18) and Katy´s baby, Metilda, is so cute and quiet. We shared a powerful lesson and the spirit was so strong it was a great finish to a hard day, it was awesome. They are really interested in the church. It was so awesome.
Well to finish the week Saturday morning in the whole mission was cleaning day and we had to clean the house spotless. We worked and scrubbed from 7 to 130, I will send the pics on a different email, the bathroom was dirty but not because of us but because the elders before us had never cleaned it. I spent 3 hours scrubbing and cleaning the bathroom and I can proudly say you can eat out of the shower ( its okay its clean!) It was fun and Rafael came and helped us too. We said he was a smart member to come and help the missionaries. I sent a pic of buying supplies on Friday at Lider, so fun. It was hard work but then after I ate 7 completos for lunch. My arms are huge from scrubbing. It was a fun time.
Yesterday was our first Sunday in the new building and it was nice. We felt at home again. We planned the first activity for this Friday night “Noche de Postres” or dessert night, all the families are going to bring a postre and all can taste and vote for the best and then there will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. We, missionaries, are going to make a SPECIAL BROWNIE, now don’t get ideas.....Ally, Dad, Em, and Lisa, there are no drugs involved just pure gringo cooking skills. I think we are going to win but, its not all about winning.......wait what am I saying yes it is, just kidding! It will be great and the ward is stoked about it, we should have a lot of investigators there too.
Busy, busy week and this will be too. I love you and miss you so much. Time is flying by so fast and it is crazy to see how much has passed in the last while. I found out a way to get books and hymns too so I will just call Santiago and order this week. For Christmas I don’t want a lot because I am starting to fill my bags with stuff I am buying. I would like a small tri pod for my camera. There is one I have seen it has legs that you can wrap around stuff and have seen other elders with it. Give me another week to for some more ideas
I love you all so much and enjoy the Photos one is of me and my comp with Daniela, her daughter Samantha and her cousin Camila.
I love you all so much and miss you take care and talk to you later love you.
Love Eric

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