Monday, December 14, 2009

Hey Everyone!

Hola familia mia,How is everyone doing this fine day? Well, just so you all know the heat is killing me here!!! This week it has been in the 80´s and 90´s and it is bound to get hotter. The worst thing is my apartment is on the third floor and we have no fan! So, it is not only hot but stuff, but that’s okay. What would be a summer in the mission without suffering in the heat? (haha) This week was a regular week—no más—nothing special besides yesterday. Yesterday were the elections for president, etc. We only had sacrament meeting because everyone had to go and vote. Attendance was horrible, it was kind of depressing but I guess people have to so and do their civic duty.

The work this week was super slow and the lessons were way down from last week. I went on a mini cambio with the zone leaders on Tuesday. Troubles with my companion persist; I am working on my patience and praying for an increased amount of love and understanding—I guess that’s all I can do. I have committed to following the mission rules and I will continue to do what I know if be right despite what those around choose to do.

I am hoping to have a baptism on the 20th if the young lady passes her interview. I still have high hopes to hit our goal of two this month but we need to work hard and help prepare both of our investigators for baptism. This week wasn’t very exciting and I don’t have many cool things to share. I am trying to save my good stories for Christmas day. I am trying to stay focused on the work but that is hard during free time. I often find myself thinking about home and all the goodies, food and lights and all that good stuff but when it is time to work I am all business.

This has been a week of working on patience and love for others. Some days it is easy and others very hard But I find the more I submerge myself in the work—thoughts and deeds—it becomes easier to forget about of the hard stuff.

Thanks for all the emails this week I really enjoyed hearing about your lives and what’s going on with all of you. Just keep plugging away. There is an end to everything, and when you look back you will be amazed to see how much you have grown and accomplished. God doesn’t give us struggles to hurt us or punish us, it is to help us grow and learn. If it doesn’t kill us it helps us. It is a simple concept but hard to grasp in the moment of struggle. If we hold strong to our faith and keep pushing forward we will see the blessing and the Lord’s hand in our lives. We must act first then receive. So keep moving forward y’all, you can do it. Sí se Puede.

I keep loosing weight and with this heat it seems to be even easier. I drink 2 or 3 liters of water a day to try and stay hydrated, the worst is when we go to lunch and we eat soup, ugh, that is the worst, to be eating hot soup when it is 90 degrees plus outside and with all the walking missionaries do it is even worst. It is hard but you’ve got to eat. I am down to 85 kilos (aprox 187 lbs), yes, I know am skinny! When I wear my suit it is like in that one Primary program when I wore Dad’s coat and sang I hope they call me on a mission, not that extreme but it is really noticeable. I feel great though. I have so much more energy and spunk and having the missionary work spirit adds to that too. I hope you all enjoy the Christmas goodies.

Ally, Em, and Tyler, work hard on your finals and study and ask the Lord for help to remember those things you have studied. Lisa, Mom and Dad keep plugging along at work, vacation time is close and then you can relax. I love you all so much and thanks for all the emails and prayers. I know you are all busy and I understand when you don’t have time to write, but I know I am in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you all.

I know the church is true and the best way to get through tough times is to hold even stronger, be a rock and when the winds and waters of the world beat upon you stay strong, stay true and faithful. If we exercise faith and hold on to Cristo he will be there with us every step of the way, and when we can’t walk he will carry us. Feast upon his word and spirit. I testify these things are true I know the gospel is a guide, we have a prophet and apostles and leaders to help guide us and best of all we have a 24/7 everyday free hot line to our heavenly father, prayer seek his guidance and help. i love you all have a great week

Love Eric

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