Monday, July 12, 2010

A Week of Ups & Downs, Hot & Cold

Querida Familia,
How are we doing this fine week of summer, for you, and winter, for me? Hot? Cold?(Lisa lol jk) fuzzy?(Kasey) awesome? (Me lol I crack myself up you know haha) I hope the ac is keeping things cool. It has been a strange winter here not a lot of rain but I have a feeling it will open up and pour on us in the coming weeks knock on wood....but ´´lo que hay´´, it is what it is. The juices are flowing and the birds ain’t chirping haha. no okay I will take the energy level down....and don’t be thinking I am trunky now because I am just got to enjoy and go with the flow. I love Chile, I love being here, I love hitting the cold floor in the morning and bundling up for studies,,,,,,,that’s why I am here to love it all, to take it all in....woooohoooo. It has been nice during the day but very cold and windy at night but you all know me and I love the cold better than 90 degrees.
The cool thing is that the members live across the street from us, F. Cristy opened up a little restaurant and have completos, churrascos, papas fritas, good so the last 5 min of the night we swing by to get a little something to eat but not me....well the other night I got a completo it was so good. But, I have got to watch the weight. My goal is to get down to 75 or 77 kg. I am at about 80 or 83 now so with more exercise and better snack habits I will get it. I think that big weight loss was all I needed to get me focused. I feel really good though we played 2 hrs of futbol this morning on a turf field so nice, I want turf in my backyard! It was so fun we played with the other zone here in Talca and I tell you I got tired but being 30 kg lighter felt good. I almost got a sweet header in but arrived just a half second later and hit the outside but it was sick. It is chilly now and i am in shorts and a sweatshirt but typing fast helps.
We had a good week best one since I arrived here. We taught a lot with members this week even though it poured Tuesday a Hermana came out with us for 4 hrs and then hooked up with Rafael, he is preparing to go on a mission and was baptized last year, He is awesome. He came out with us to finish the night. Didn’t find any new people to teach this week. But I talked to my District Leader and came to an understanding with him. My companion was upset .....he thought I just didn´t care because I was joking and having a good time at night instead of being a little more sad or down about the numbers and stuff during the week. I just explained to him that is my way of blowing off steam and I have tried the self pity thing and it sucks and I would rather blow steam off this way got all the frustration out and all is well. We have just got to communicate better. But all is well this happens when times are tough tempers flare just got to be quick to put it out embers and all.
I am doing well good on animo and my spirits are high. We finally got some church videos...the Young Men went to the temple so I sent money to get some videos for me....Testamentos, como hallar fe en cristo, la restauracion, y legado. So I am happy. A girl in my ward Glenda Michael Skinner Barabolí got her endowments, she is going to Peru on her mission in a month, and I found out at the visit with her family that we are birthday huh the only thing is she is a year older, she thought I was 23.....haha she was sad to find out she was older haha....oh well she was born in 89, Cool We are going to hook up Rafael and her once they are back from the mission, they are so cute together....rafael should leave while I am still here or at least have his call. He goes to medico this week and then just needs to two final interviews and is ready.
How are Nick, Matt and Ryan doing? Have you all heard from Donny or Nick Gall? I have letters started but cannot find time to finish it has been a long time and hope they are good. If you talk to them tell them all hi.
About the package let me think this week and I will give you a list of a couple things next Monday ok? I think I might have lost my razor charger but I am going to call Chillan to see, I am shaving the long way again but don’t worry I know I either have it here or its in Chillan. I love you all so much and am so happy to here of all the great news from you all about T2’s job and Ally’s apt. and just the usual stuff, It helps me focus on why I am really here and makes me want to work harder so you all can receive blessings. I love you all so much I know the church is true and that there is a Profeta today who receives
revelaion de dios. les amo mucho y les quiero mucho tambien, espero que estén felices y se encuentren seguros y sanos. confien en el senor y él nos guiará. I read D & C 79 about Carter mission call and when I put my name in those verses I felt the spirit testify to me that I am called to be here in this moment and even though there are tests He is always with us and will always be our Guide and Protector. We are all called to be here in the earth at this time and thought the afflictions and rocks strike us hard we are called and privaledged to be here now in these days to build up zone and lift those who cannot walk and nourish those who need nourishing, we are children of a loving Heavenly Father who is calling us home but not calling us to come home alone but to bring our brothers and sisters with us. It isn’t hard through kind acts good attitude and following promptings of the spirit we will win. We will go home to Him and live in happiness and peace for eternity. I love you and miss you a lot, take care and keep going we will never make it if we sit down and give up we need to keep going. love you so much.
Love Eric



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