Monday, July 26, 2010

Elder Eric "The Master Brownie Baker!"

¿qué tal?, ( How is Everything?)
What is up my family? How is it going? What’s new? What’s old? What would be old if it wasn’t new? What is old but you wish was new? Why did I just write 20 million questions that don’t make sense?

había 2 brownie en el horno y uno dijo al otro, ´´hace calor aquí´´ y el otro gritó ´´ ¡UN BROWNIE QUE HABLA! ´´ JHAJHA ME ROMPOCON LA RISA HAHA

(brownie in the furnace were 2 and one said to the other, ´´hace heat aquí´´ and the other shouted ´´ A BROWNIE THAT SPEAKS! ´´ )
There is my bad joke for the week I hope you enjoyed it!
I am doing quite well and another cambio has come and gone.... time is flying I must say for me at least. Got the call this morning that my companion and I are both staying...I am happy because we are now getting into the groove... Today got up to go play soccer with the jovenes ( young people) but they didn’t show so went home changed and came to centro. This week went very well with one lame thing but the rest was great fun awesome and everything in between. I am tired but full of energy today.
Tuesday had a mini cambio with my zone leader, it is hard because they come from a different sector and they don’t know our area or people. On Monday visited a less active family and got 2 new inv from that house and then later in the week visited a new convert Yvonne(20), and now we are teaching her younger sisters, Leslie(15) and Margarita(13) They are cool and it helps to have a new convert with a testimoni that is really strong in the house. They are cute too but I am in the mission and they are too young for me jaja. Anyway we picked them up for church and went with them. It was fun I promised them chocolate if they behaved and paid attention and well I had to pay up after church. Good thing I bought a chocolate bar Saturday. They have fecha for 15 of August and I am sure they will be ready. We had 2 other inv in church yesterday and one is the dad of Glenda who is going on her mission in 2 weeks. He has come the last two weeks so we are going to try and start teaching him more especially with Glenda home still. I things go well he could be baptized before she leaves, but we have a lot of work but it is possible. That would be huge for her and her family and would be so cool. It was a very good week and on Tuesday we helped Hermano Cristy that lives across the street move a counter desk thing to a location because he was building in his house for a store. So we got to help him and had to be in the back of the open truck stabilizing these things in the rain but it was fun. I didn’t have my camera but its was good story. Also we did a noche de hogar (Family Night) with Daniela, inv, at the home of la familia Cristy on Friday and I busted out the long awaited talents of Elder kuykendall.......I made a brownies from scratch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes!!!!! you heard me jaja. I sent pics. It was so good and everyone loved it. The family night went well and my brownie was the hit. I am going to make one tonight tomorrow and Thursday for FHE that we have with inv and for the birthday of Rafael, so cool right!
Today we have 2 FHE and it is my companion’s birthday and what he doesn´t know is that they are both surprise birthday parties for him!!!!!!sssshh
One is with Yvonne, Leslie and Margarita at 6 and the other with Glenda´s family it will be such a great night teaching lessons and partying it up, and then tomorrow night have another planned for him but he knows about it. Got to make a birthday a big thing in the mission especially here because the chilenos like to party and eat and the mormons here eat even more so I will have to do double exercise this week and next to not get fat. I am stoked, if you cannot tell. Wow well this week was awesome and cannot wait to make this one a great one too. I found a place to buy a chilean dicho book and I am going to buy it today so I can learn them all so cool.
I love you all so much and love hearing form you all and what is going on with you and your lives it is the highlight to my week and hope to yours too. So keep the funny stories and boring ones too, (but none are boring). I love to hear of everything with you all. I love you and hope you are good. I know the gospel is true last night I felt the spirit so strong in a lesson as I testified of the restoration of the church. It was yet another confirming witness of the truth of the things I am teaching. As we left Elder Pierce, Rafael and I all commented on how strong the spirit was in that home as we taught. God lives and loves us and for that He sent Jesucristo His only begotten son to save us from our sins and afflictions so that we could return to His presencia and live with Him and together forever. When we are humble and faithful we are blessed with the spirit of our Father that guides and teaches us, comforts and testifies of the truth of all things it leads us to do good works. The Church of Christ was restored through José Smith and today the church, its members and leaders stand as witnesses of the truth that God does love us and wants us to follow His Son whom will lead us to our Father once more, and there we can dwell for eternity. I love you all so much and hope you have a great week. Be safe in you travels and stuff you have to do. Love you all so much and send my love to all. Cuidense, les quiero y les amor con todo mi alma y fuerza, que les vaya bien y que lo pasen bien y felices.
Love Eric
PS: Send my love to the Isaacson family, Thanks
¡Vamos Chile!

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