Monday, August 2, 2010

Sick Companions and Cold Showers!!!!!

Whats up!!!!!!!!!!
How is the old family doing this week and What is new to tell me? I just love to hear what is up with you all it is all exciting for me to know. This week was a weird one but a fun one at that. E Stephenson got super sick on Sunday last week he was in bed almost all week and my comp E Pierce got sick too during the week. I think migraines are being passed around because one night we all woke up with them but I came to the rescue with my 20 kilos of pain killer. I know how parents feel know when their kids get sick, take this do this eat this and the kids don’t listen. Oh well! We had to do splits to not lose time with all our inv, so we did splits and two would stay home. The week was tough but it finished good. I am dead tired I haven’t been sleeping well but it will pass hopefully Getting up in the morning is harder because it is freezing in the morning. The thought of jumping onto cold tile is enough to keep you in bed, and even worse yesterday the califont the water heater thing broke! So cold showers woooohooooo!, Our showers are shorter but man are they cold bone chilling hah! My shower this morning was 5 sec to get wet and then 30 to rinse off fast but so cold and then 20 min in front of the room heater to thaw out. The guy should come today or tomorrow to fix it I hope. Oh well that’s the life, got to take it all in and just laugh.

I put some of the pics from the bday celebrations of my companion and I was able to keep it all a secret and he didn’t even know. He enjoyed them which made me happy, it sucks to be away for your birthday but passes a lot easier when the members help to make it a fun time. We ate a lot of sweets and I made two brownies. I am the cookie king! Some members have heard about it and now want to do FHE with us but the catch is they have to invite non members, but chilenos will do anything to taste a good gringo brownie. I stole this idea from the Hermanas, ´´hay que cocinar rico para convertir,´´ no but I figure why cannot we have fun eat and teach all at the same time plus it help the people open up and see we are normal people and like to enjoy ourselves too. It also helps get the members involved. I tell FHE are the way to help inv progress because they can see the fun we have and get to know members and a more chill level. I sure did take FHE for granted before the mission,but this week we have 2 planned so far with inv and trying to get 1 or two more also. We are FHE kings I wouldn’t go that far we just like to eat

We had celebrations at Yvonne´s house with her sisters Margarita and Leslie on Monday and then later that night at Glenda´s house the girl who goes on her mission to Peru next week , with her family and then Tuesday night at familia Cristy, they live across the street, and then last night we did a party for Rafael, he always goes out with us he is cool, Rafael is working on his mission papers. He was baptized last year. We did a party for him to show out gratitude. He had no idea and when we surprised him he looked to me and said´´ me enganaste´´ haha like you tricked me, but it was fun I made a brownie and we had cake that E Pierce’s family sent him along with had lots of food. It was fun as you can tell by the fotos and the hats and masks. It was a good time to shake off all the frustration from the week before. Don’t get me wrong worked hard this week and Margarita went to church and she is going to the stake youth activity this Saturday and the girls in the ward are going to pick her up. It is super cool that they are befriending her. She is super shy so it will be good for her.

I got some sad news from Elder Scott about my last sector in Chillan, he said that he and his comp got moved out of the sector because they were having trouble finding people and stuff....Ie feel bad for him because that is a discouraging thing to have happen... in his email to me he sounded pretty upset. It was a hard sector a lot of older people live there. I just hope it doesn’t happen to me here. They said that our church building won’t be done till Oct now and it is killing our assistance and inv going to church. Tere are trials for a reason. I hope you are all doing good and are happy, I love you all so much and miss yal too.

I know the church is true and that God loves us all He knows us by name. I know our goal is to find happiness in this life and if we do we will find the path to His presencia. I love you so much take care and have a good week
Love Eric

PS: I found a corndog batter recipe on the web and today we are going to make corndogs wooooohoooo I am so happy!

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