Monday, August 30, 2010

Sleepless Nights, Dreams of Snowboarding and loving the work of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Hello family, ¡Ay Caramba!
What is up on the northwest side on the globe.....What is the news of the news? What is the word from the cool cats? haha everyone knows dogs are cooler! Well what is up with yal and what would you like to tell me?.....nothing? Good well you are all in luck because I am long winded and I could talk for hours without I go
Well there were not too many things exciting about this week but it was a tough one and took me to my limits of frustration and sleepless nights. I think our neighbors have become accustom to having a party every Saturday night and with the crappy paper thin windows and walls everything is heard. The guy’s parents go out of town every weekend and his friends come over....this past Saturday consisted of a lot of beer and drugs loud music and then foot races in the street and very bad counting skills or should I say none at all. It was 3 am and I was mad and very tired, Elder Stephenson kept me from going outside and yelling. I thought about calling the Carabineros but they are so lazy they wouldn’t do I had to lie in bed and try to sleep. Next time I will call the cops though it is ridiculous and best of all we know one of the guys and he is an inactivo and denies it every time we call him out on it. I can tell it is him by his voice and because his girlfriend is always there, oh well the life of no sleep. I have not slept well all week and it is starting to take a toll. It has also heated up but then sometimes the temperature just drops, weird. Oh, Elder Sarmiento is Elder Stephenson´s companion, we live in a house of four because it is a barrio and it is so big. Elder Sarmiento gets up to go to the bathroom like 100 times a night. I was on the top bunk and it squeaks and moves a lot every time he gets up, and so now I am sleeping on the floor where only big earthquakes move my bed.
This week was also tough because it was a hard to get a hold of our investigators. It seems like they all went out of town or something. Umberto, the older guy, was progressing really, we passed by and left notes and called but could not track him down. It was disappointing as were trying to get him ready for the 5th to be baptized. We had trouble meeting with Carla as well because it is far from our house and we need to leave by 9pm to make the 30min walk back to our house. Daniela is progressing a lot but had a hiccup this week as her boyfriend had to move in with her because he couldn’t stay where he was. So now we are trying to find a place where he could rent close so that she can get baptized. When she told us she felt bad because she couldn’t just leave him with out a place but, it is okay now they are looking too. With the help from us and a lot of prayers I know she will be baptized for the 26 Sept. I told her we will work towards that day and she is still full speed ahead. It is good to see her desire to be baptized. Margarita is doing well and is reading and praying and she loves to go to church and the youth activities. It is nice to see the desire she has to continue and follow in the church and learn more. I think her sister Ivonne has helped in that department to helping her learn from her mistakes and stuff. The only problem now is with her mom with have taught her a couple times and invited her pray and read the Book of Mormon and well she did and she straight up told us "I did read and pray but I am not going to change" I know she felt the spirit and received her answer but she will not follow it. She didn’t say her answer was no she said she wouldn’t do it and so now she has been really rude to us and this Friday there was a combine youth activity and Margarita did all her stuff to go and her mom didn’t let her go and Margarita was mad. I was also but had to keep my cool....I don’t know what to do. She almost didn’t let her go to church but we passed by and picked her up. She called us as we were leaving at 10 and said "My mom will let me go but you have to come get me” she then said for us to hurry up before she changed her mind, it was funny she is cool. Ivonne had to work and so that is why there was a problem.
I love the work but it is not easy and well why should it be it is called work? I am having fun I am tired but I am having a lot of fun. I cannot believe how time flies and next week is cambios and I am hoping I will stay here with Elder Pierce but I don’t know it is possible that he will leave but we will see. We had an activity in the morning and played dodge ball and had barbeque it was fun but took a long time and it is an ugly rainy day. I have a NDH tonight and got to get home to make the refreshments así es la vida. I am trying to think of easy and good things to do so if you got ideas tell me please. I am going to try an apple crisp this week I think but the problem is brown sugar does not exist here but with try it anyway....don’t send any. They have something that is like it that I will try, I will let you all know how it turns out but ideas would be nice.
I love you all so much and think about you all a lot. I have had a lot of snowboarding dreams lately my body is in that mode now. The finger wrestling masks are awesome. I always have them with me, please send more and other cool stuff . I am such a child but I play thumb wars with the people and they like the little masks. I want to do a tournament. 18 Sept is coming up it will be fun and I will eat a lot and so the diet and fasting should start now. I love you all and take care. I know the scriptures are true and that there is a Prophet today and we are lucky to hear and read His words and those of the other leaders. I was reading some talks from conference and don’t know why I was so stupid not to pay attention and heed their words it would have saved me form a lot of pain and suffering but, have learned from that and wont do it again. I love you all and take care.
Love you, Eric

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