Monday, August 9, 2010

Chef Kuykendall brings Corn Dogs to Chile!

How is everyone doing this fine beautiful winter day? The sun is shinning it is a nice brisk 55 degrees, oh fine day it will be. Well what do you all have to say? .................nothing hmm well lucky for you I have a lot but not a lot to say but if I ramble on and on and on and on.... maybe it will look that way haha. no just kidding....I am looking forward to read your responds to my first email today....answer wisely because it might change my future...haha. well enough of the silliness lets get down to business...
This week was long tiring and well lets just say pretty darn good. I just want to sleep for 10 hrs but cannot and mas encima, I need to catch up on some letters to people. Last p-day I decided to try something new for I made CORNDOGS!!!!!!!!!! Yes you heard me I am bringing the states to Chile. It all started with finding the batter recipe and the ingredients, they turned out good but will have to make some small changes for next time to make them that much better. But it went good and us 3 gringos were content.
I found out some more about the changes that are going down in the mission on Tuesday and about the plan that Pres. Humphrey has for the mission so that we can have mor éxito ( more success). I was a little sketchy on first hearing them but I need to put my pride away and follow with faith. We will be having more mini cambios with the District and Zone Leaders so that they came get to know our investigators better so they can help us with them....that was a part I didn’t like....the way I felt was....was that I should know best how to help them and shouldn’t need other people to come in and do the work for me......I know I am very pride full and all missionaries are different. I like to feel the spirit strong but also make it fun and interesting....2 things I love the most the spirit and fun. I guess this is another test of faith for me and I know the more I fight it the less success I will have and I want to stay here I love this sector and the ward.
By the way, I talked to the guys working on our building and now they say it won’t be ready until Oct. so I may never getting to see the inside of it..... Lame right?
We had a mini cambio with the Zone Leaders and I went to the other sector. In my sector they visited Daniela, Margarita and Carla to do interviews and try to get them ready for baptism this coming week. They all committed to it so for the rest of the week, Elder Pierce and me were running around to finish up teaching and help them do the changes so they could be ready for there interviews on Wed. That is why I am dead tired. Margarita is the most ready and I know she will get baptized this coming Sunday, she is cool and she loves the church. The stake had a youth activity this past Saturday so we got her pumped up to go and asked some young women to pick her up and they did and she had a blast. She loved it so much. We talked to some other people who went and said that she was having fun and participating and everything. When we saw her that night she was happy and is starting to open up and not be so shy. It is her birthday on Wed, so we have an appointment at her house and were are going to get a cake and celebrate with is going to be so much fun. We did one with her and her sisters last week and it went great...we had so much fun and I made a brownie and they loved it, it was the hit! This Sunday her parents didn’t let her go to church so we went by and talked about faith and told her to talk to her parents to get permiso. I am sure she will have it. I am praying and she and her sister are praying as well. I asked her why she wanted to get baptized and very quietly she said “I know it is true and I like the church” I think a part to is that she saw the change in her sister’s life and she wants that too. So I am praying for her so she can get baptized.
Daniela still needs to quite smoking and Carla needs to go to church but they can still get baptized this and hard work.
Yesterday was Glenda Skinner´s last Sunday and she is leaving to go to Peru on Thursday so tonight we planned a goodbye at her house. It will be fun. I know I have other things to say but cannot remember now. I love you all so much and hope you are doing well. I know the gospel is true and that we are children of God. Take care and I love you so much.
Love Eric

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