Monday, September 13, 2010

A week of Hard Work and Miracles

¿Qué tal? ¿Qué cuentan de bueno? Entonces, estoy bien pero cansado pero me di cuenta que es lo normal y puedo dormir despues la misión jajaja. Esta semana me fue bien y trabajé arto par llevar nuestros invs a la iglesia y tuvimos una, daniela fur a la iglesia por que no trabajó sabádo entonces no tuvo tanto sueño en la mañana pero no me dio pena despertarla temprano......son bendiciones de dios jaja. ahora con 4 gringos en la casa se habla puro Spanglish y nos dio tanta risa otro dia por que cambiamos entre español y ingles y nos entendemos y no nos damos cuenta cuando lo hacemos es bien chistos. Jaja

“How is everything? What count of good? I am well but tired. I realized that is the normal thing and can sleep after the mission jajaja. This week was well and I worked even to take our investigators to church and we had one, Daniela for the church. So that Saturday did not work then I was not as sleepy in the morning and it did not give pain me to wake up it early ...... are God blessings. Now with 4 gringos in the house we speak Spanglish. We had to laugh when we realized we changed between Spanish and English and understood and we do not realize when we do it.”

Anyway first off I jumped out of my seat to hear Matt got his call that is so awesome, now maybe he can go to the pro bowl next year in Hawaii hahaha . . . . and to hear Nick’s papers got sent that is so awesome so cool. Nick will be the last of our age group that is still active to leave and that is so awesome. I love those guys and Ryan leaves here soon right? I need to try and get a letter to him quick. I have one but need to send it this week to make sure it gets there. Can you say hi to Nick, Matt and Ryan and send my love and congrats,,,,I have been a little busy to write them but I am always thinking about them. That is awesome news Matt will do great in Hawaii and tell Nick I will see him in January in Concepcion when I pick him up to be his trainer....that would be so insane but I have had a couple a dreams about it. It makes me so happy that they are all on the verge of getting out. I realized the other day that all the Hermanas from my district in the MTC go home in December and Arian Black too goes home either in Dec or Jan....crazy how time flies and stuff just wizzes by in a blink of an eye.

Elder Cockrell is the new gringo in the house and he has one cambio less than me so I am the oldest in the house. He and Elder Stephenson are comp equals there is no comp mayor or menor they are the same which is interesting. Elder Piece and I are doing well sometimes get at each other for stupid stuff but I think it is because we are so alike and sarcastic that we push each others buttons. But, we are working great together. We worked our butts off this week and had some good teaching we didn’t see the immediate results but I know the Lord will blesses us as we work harder and put our faith in Him.

We had a great experience on Friday in the afternoon all of our citas fell so we knocked on doors and got nothing for about half hour and we knocked this huge house and nobody answered so we continued on, as we turned the corner a lady yelled to us asking if we had knocked her door. She had a bunch of books in her hand so we went to talk to her because we figured she needed help, and it is not everyday that people are willing to talk to us so you have got to take what you get. Anyway, she asked if we could help her pray for her son who was taking his final law exam, she invited us in and we talked for a little bit and she told us that she had been baptized 8 yrs ago and become inactivó when the elders left. We offered a prayer and right after we said amen her son called and said he said he passed. It was amazing as we talked we got to know her and one of her sons. It is a family of 6 the wife and husband are members and mavbe 4 sons ages 26,21,18,! Her son Matias had some great questions for us and we were able to answer them. As we talked she said as soon as she had started to pray to ask God to send help to her son, we knocked the door and she said she didn’t answer because she thought it was a coincidence......but the more she thought she knew it wasn’ that is when she called us back. I felt that I should testify that it was a miracle that that day at that time our cita fell through and we felt we should contact that street and that right in the moment when she was asking for help we knocked her door. I felt the spirit so strong and I know those in the room felt it too. It was such a testimony builder for me to follow the prompting of the spirit because miracles do happen and He will put us where we need to be. They invited us back to there house anytime and we will go back, cannot let this family slip away.

Yesterday we did splits with the Zone Leader and I was doing contacts with Elder Pitcher and got into a house and this guy was prepared. We taught a very powerful lesson and he told us how he felt and we were able to testify to him that it was the spirit he had felt and that it was a sign that the things we taught were true, it was awesome. I told Elder Stephenson and he said he had knock that street three times and never saw anyone in that house....God prepares his children to receive the gospel and it is our responsibility, as missionaries to listen to the spirit and teach and find those who are ready. This week has been a week of hard work and miracles, our God is a God of miracles He has always done them and continues to perform miracles today and He will keep doing them according to our faith. It reminds me of the scripture in Ether 12, “if there is no faith among the children of men God cannot perform miracles.” I love the mission, it is hard and at times frustrating but the blessing and the experiences I have had are all worth it. I know you have been blessed for my service and pray that I can work harder to help you out so that you receive more from our Father in Heaven.

Margarita is doing great but hasn’t gone to church the last two weeks due to her parents. Last week and this week she was super sick a fever and stuff, Ivonne is sick to but she made it to sac meeting which is awesome. She is cool and is a good example for her family and Margarita is too. She is a reading machine, when we went over on Friday she had just finished with 2 Nephi 9 she is pumping though the Book of Mormon and she understands and remembers it all too. We were talking about faith and obedience and she was like oh ya it was like Nephi said to his brother and she opened up to it and referred to a scripture, so awesome to see her with such desire to learn and follow in the church. Daniela went to church yesterday and also had an interview with Elder Pitcher and she still needs to do somethings to get baptized but it is still possible for this month. We need to help her understand the expiación and arrepentimiento (purification and repentance),,,,,hard talks but I am up for it. She really needs this in her life and I know she can do it.

This week had Family Home Evening at the familia Cristy with Daniela and her daughter, Samantha 2 & 6months. She is so cute, I remember when I got here she was so scared and never talked and now never shuts up. She always asks if we are coming over and she says `` tio Elder`` so cute but she is spoiled. We did the lesson and we made pizza and it was so good, I must say I am not to shabby of a chef , anyway I had bought some UNO cards to play a game with because nobody has games and cards here. They are cool UNO cards they are plastic and child proof they can’t wreck them, anyway Samantha wanted to play so when it was out turn I would tell her a color and she would throw it out for us and everybody was playing serious and I had a 2 yr old playing with me on my lap and guess who won...... Samantha and I did haha oh the rest were so mad haha I was just lucky with the kids haha she is a cute littlel thing haha I will have to snap a picture with her this week.

We helped Hermano Cristy with doing blessing and I gave him my oil vial so I am out again...sorry so next package I will need another one, he needed it more than I did... he has a family to care for. I also told him a couple of talks to reference from General Conference about blessings and priesthood. They are planning on getting sealed in November and it will be so cool to see them do it,,,,but I cannot go to the temple well that is an awesome family.

I hope you all have a great week I love you all so much take care. I know the church is true and we were loved by our Father in Heaven. He will provide for us but we need to put the efforts in and show Him we will follow His will. I love you and take care. I am ready for a week of eating because this weekend is the Independence celebration here so fun I will have lots of fotos to show you all chau!
Love Eric

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