Friday, November 12, 2010

Working Hard, Sharing the Gospel and Packages from Home

hola familia, ¿cómo está? ¿qué cuentan? les quiero contar un chiste que es lo más chistoso en todos los chistes de ´´laffy taffy´´ ¿Porque cruzó la calle el captus?.......................... ¡Porque estába pegado en la espalda de la gallina! Jajajajajajajajajajajajaja

Bablefish Translation
hello family, how she is? what count? I want to tell a joke to them that is most humorous in all the jokes of ´´laffy taffy´´ Because captus crossed the street? .......................... Because estába beaten in the back of the hen! jajajajajajajajajajajajaja
I tell you if the whole engineering thing doesn’t work out for me I am going to be a bilingual comedian because everybody thinks I am hilarious.......or do they laugh because I am ridiculous.......hmmmmm I will stick with because I am funny it helps my head stay at normal size hahaha. Well how are you all doing this fine start of the week. What is new and exciting? and if you don’t got anything new and exciting.......well I don’t know what to tell you.......just tell a really bad joke like I did and I will laugh and thinks it is awesome anyway. Sometimes I feel like I am in a big Hollywood movie because when we are out working and stuff everybody just says mean things and swears at us....hahaha okay well if you didn’t think it was funny its because it wasn’t and that means you need to send me some good jokes to tell...I am running out of material....I have stolen all I could from other missionaries haha oh well that is life.
Thanks for the package and well to tell you the truth I shared with the other Elders.......I had to they held me up at knife point...I am just kidding.....I figured we could all use some bad jokes and sugar in our systems.....well that is enough of insignificant talk, lets get down to business......oh one last thought I think I have become hyperactive on the mission...I wasn’t like this more thought What is black, white and red?.......a skunk in a blender....okay that was bad here is a better one Why did the sock cross the road? .................because it was on the chickens foot....lolAnyway
Elder Teske and I are getting along like 2 peas in a pod and he is a fun guy. We have a fun house it is good and we laugh a lot. Last night stayed up playing UNO and I tell you I stink, I lost every time....oh well every time I would change color it would come back to bite I just said “well looks like I got the gift to read peoples thoughts....but it is not helping me.....” haha it was fun. E Teske is fun guy...we have good time together, I see a lot of the things I use to do when I was the confused look of not understanding and the pain full lost look, but I am keeping him upbeat and he is a hard long legs too. I have to move my short stubby legs 3 times as fast...people laugh because I am the shortest.....oh well its like 3 skyscrapers and the lonely two story house across the street but its all good....they are jealous of my last name haha. Got up early and got ready to go do the visa stuff for Elder Teske and to centro at 900........I forgot that Chile opens at walked around for a half hour oh well....haha. Got all the visa stuff done and now have to wait. My carnet, Chilean id, expired 22 weeks back.....I am illegal .... nooooooooooooooo, just kidding my papers were started a while back so I am all good haha.
Well this week was yet another tough grinder but I feel good I put a lot of effort and force into the week and I know the blessing will come and the Lord will bless us, Elder Teske is still a little timid to talk but I told him he is the “closer” (pitching terms) I may have more words and ability to talk “starter” but the closer makes the deal and makes the bigger impression. the spirit is felt strong when he teaches and the people have to pay more attention.....I tell you I feel so blessed to be with him and have the opportunity to serve with him. Well this week it was....HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just about died but then yesterday woke up to a cold raining winter looking day..... strange. So got soaked yesterday and man do I mean soaked...well thanks to the rain the attendance was 74......stupid rain...haha. Oh well. called investigators in the morning to get them up and were not answering but much to my surprise...after the sacrament was passed, Daniela walked in. she had worked from 11 am Saturday until 6am Sunday morning for a wedding....and got up and went to church I was so happy....we had talked about making sacrifices to the Lord and it hit her.... I sat down and I said “I did not think you would come because of work” she said “ I need to make sacrifices to receive the help from the Lord” I was so happy to hear those words....turned out to be a good day and then at night had a NDH with Daniela in the house of Familia Cristi, live across the street. It went great Hermana Cristi straight up asked “So when are you getting baptized?” and the convo opened up....we didn´t say a word the family did all the was amazing, my testimony grew about work with members last night...the members felt the prompting and acted...they didn’t feel the need to wait for us to talk or give them the time....and I didn’t feel the prompting to talk and at the end I did and I expressed our love for her and bore was awesome. The Spirit directed the lesson, and it was just amazing. This is the Lords Work....He directs it through the Spirit and if the Spirit tells us to talk we HAVE to do it and if He doesn’t, we WON´T do it. awesome right? I think so.Well going into week 2 of reading the Book of Mormon as a mission. We are in chapter 4 of 2 Nefi and read until 8 today, I think, I have to check, but it is awesome....I tell you I am getting so much out of it....the pages are full of the marks when it mentions Jesucristo, that is why it is a witness of Him. Well I don’t know what else to tell yal.....think I have bored you enough for one week haha. I am the old missionary here in the ward now and well I think I might be leaving this transfer on the 29 Nov, it is possible because I will have completed 6 months here...I don’t want to because I want one more cambio with Elder Teske,,,,,but we will see. it is a few weeks off. haha but oh well.
The youth are going to the temple Friday so I am going to send some money with a leader to pick me up some books and stuff for my to get Christmas ready too. haha.
Well I think that is all for this week. I love you all so much and hope you are doing well, I know God lives and loves us and sent His son Jesucristo to die for us. Through His redeeming sacrifice we can present ourselves before the Father and He will plead for us....but according to our works we will be judged, if we follow Him and come unto Him like little children, submissive and humble we will be saved and will live with our Father again. I know the Book of Mormon testifies of Him and His atoning sacrifice, He is our Lord, Savior and King. I love the gospel and have come to love studying it too. It fills me with joy and peace and with things that are not found in this world, things that money and houses and cars cannot is the unconditional and eternal love of God and Christ. When I am out working no matter how bad the day might be, I feel whole, I feel happy....I am happy I love the work and I feel honored to be a part of the Army of the the soldiers who fought under Captain Moroni.....they must have been honored to fight under such and strong and brave leader....not just strong physically but he was a man of spiritual power. The kind of power that as man cannot buy or fake.....I feel like one of his soldiers fighting for truth and liberty against the temptations and demons of the world to bring eternal life to Gods children, I wear the name of Christ on my chest and I know that this is His church and His work. I love you so much and hope you have a great week. Take care. I am studying in Alma too Love you take care.Love Eric
VAMOS CHILE! I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE FOTOS. By the way we had a huge ward talent show went great....lots of menos activos and inv were there went awesome we didn’t have time to do our cool scout skits we prepared but it went good....had to leave 4 prince charmings had to be home at 10 haha love yal chau!

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