Monday, January 10, 2011

A Test of faith and confirmation of the truthfullness of the Book of Mormon 1/10/2011

Hello Familia,
So what is up with all of you? I hope you all had a good week and a good weekend to rest up for the long haul this week. This week went by very slow with the lack of preparation day on Monday and so I was a couple days off all week. The week was full of very strange weather including rain, cold hot and a lot of wind.....enough to rip off roof tiles and make dogs fly...okay the flying dog thing was a joke but would be cool no? I am good but I think I am getting fat so it is to a strict diet......yep you heard me more pan!!!!!!!!!it is hard but must do it and no eating at all should see my legs, they we big before but now they are bigger, my jeans are super tight of my thighs and loose on the waist. I might have to buy some jeans, I am going to try and tone down we are running in the is about a 3.5 km run and it is going good it helps wake us up in the morning and making me sweat earlier in the day. I wasn’t built for long distance but I pull my weight and keep with the pace......but its all good. I have got to get into shape. Today is cambios and the big news is nothing....the four of us here in Tome are staying the same for one more cambio. Time is flying by but I am not trunky....I have got to much to do here.
We had a baptism planned for yesterday but Eliana had to go to the campo and harvest papas so she has a fecha for the 16th this coming week and so I am jazzed! She is super ready and wants to do it she actually felt super bad about this weekend but her husband had planned it and didn’t tell her but it is all good, just hope there aren’t complications this week. One other investigator was in Santiago all week and well she came back and much to our surprise she didn’t come back a lot as we thought she would be.....she talked to her boy friend and was going to leave him there but he was persistent and came back so she still cannot get baptized because they are living together and are not married. We are going to do a fast this week to be able to figure out what she can do because she is super ready to get baptized and wants to do it, but cant and it will take a year to be able to do her divorce and to get married....I don’t know what to do......Satanas will not give up on this one, but all we can do it pray and hope it will all work out. Dayanne is doing good and got confirmed yesterday, we found a family of 6 this week but are only sharing with the mom and her boyfriend. We know the law of chasity will be a big important lesson......but they are really great se llaman Raul and Elena, they are cool and Elena knows the bishops wife and also Hermana Sofia the pres of the Relief Society. We are starting to find some people and well just need to get them to progress and tonight we are going to visit a girl of 11 yrs to see if her family will let her get baptized because she has been going to church for a while and she could be baptized within the next two weeks. The work is moving along and I can see that the Lord is blessing us for our efforts and all that we are doing. The Lord keeps His promises. I started to read the Book of Mormon for the 3rd time in my mission, I know it isn’t much but I don’t read to fast haha, but it will be my 2nd time in Spanish and this time I am taking my time to pick the verses apart and pull all out of it that I can and so far I am loving it so much. I am in 1 Nefi 8 but I have learned so much so far. My testimony has grow so much about the Book of Mormon and this week we used it in contacts and it was the first thing we taught to the 8 new people we found and to tell you the truth it worked awesome to tell them exactly the purpose of the book and start right off the bat with it because it is the keystone of our religion and if you don’t believe in it then I don’t know how you could believe in Christ. Because the purpose of the Book of Mormon is to testify of Jesus Christ and His teachings. It is a marvoulus work and no regular man could have written it and I know it was written through inspiration from God. His prophets gave their lives to protect the plates and to do the Lords will and sometime we take it for granted, I love that book and it helps me so much.
This week on Friday afternoon Elder Call, Hermana Nelda, and I were waiting to take the bus to subir cerro estanque to go do a couple visits and a man came up to me and started to yell and scream and make a scene, he spoke with words of hate and anger, claiming to be a follower of Cristo, smoking a cigarette and yelling swear words and speaking very low about the church its teachings and most of all the truth of Joseph Smith, I tried to talk with him but he was there to fight and to make me companion didn’t understand so he was very calm, as I realized he wanted to fight I shut my mouth and prayed in my head, with every false accusation and swear word it was like a dagger to my heart, I felt the spirit leave and I was praying to have the guidance, as angry as I was I kept quiet and as you guys know it is one of my weak points, it was when he touched my name tag that I shouted a little but told him not to touch me and to back off, he continued in his rant and I started that breathing exercise that I always do with mom , he came back to yell some more and proceeded to call us devil worshipers and stuff but it didn’t get to me. Although it was a bad experience I am grateful for it and I will tell you why, after he left and we got on the bus I felt a peace and calmness in my fast beating heart, and I know it was the spirit telling me I was doing the right thing. I tell you I have felt the spirit stronger since I know it was because it was a test, the Lord tested me and my testimony grew its like the scripture in Ether 12:6 says “testimony comes after the test of our faith” I can imagine a little better how Christ and the prophets have felt when they were falsely accused and exploited because of their beliefs I know my experience wasn’t as big but helped me feel a little more what they did. I felt bad for this man because he was lost in the opiniones de hombre and was tied up in hatred and jealousness of Satanas. I know God lives and He loves us, He sent His son Jesucristo to the earth to save us and to fulfill the profesies of the profetas, I know without a doubt Jose Smith was called to restore the church and that today there is a living seer and revelator, he guides us in the these latter days through the power of God and keeps us from trying the bitter taste of sin and disobedience. I know this is the true church and that in it we can find the principles and doctrine Jesus Himself taught. I love being a missionary and teaching this great gospel and it hurts me to see people lost in the storms of this life and it makes me work that much more to find them and pull them a board. I know if we live the commandments we will prosper in the land as the Lord told his people in the Book of Mormon.
I hope you all have great week and that you keep moving forward and helping your testimony grow. I love you all take care, te quiero!
Love Eric
Enjoy the pictures they are mostly picks of the sector like sunset from cerro estanque and looking up cerro estanque and also the oatmeal, platano, miel exfoliant we tried hahahaha You have got to keep care of the skin, love you cuĂ­date chau chau

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