Monday, January 24, 2011

Chilean Cook 1/24/2011

Hey Familia,
How yal doing? How was the week, ready to start another one? I am, but I am still good and tired from last week but oh well just got to push through and do it and mas encima I am a week behind in my journal I am just getting lazy to write but I have got to do it. It was a goal of mine. I put a lot of photos on this letter. I took a lot this week. There are some of the sun setting and one of Elder Call and I walking in the Cancha at the top of Cerro estanque searching for souls, and the best ones are of me making Pan Amasado!!!!!! Yes I learned how to make homemade bread from scratch this morning and cooked it in a brick oven so fun. Hermano Domingo taught us and was chill it turned out good and ate it right away for breakfast, I am coming back a cocinero (cook), it was good and fun.
This week went good we had a couple disappointments but nothing huge. Eliana was confirmed yesterday and I got to do it, it was a nice experience. She has good friends in the ward and it is good to see the Hermanas helping her out and sharing their experiences with her. She is going to the campo in February and won’t be back till Marzo but we will have contact with her and she has her book to read and stuff. She told us on Friday about an experience she had, she said she was in her garden and she was looking out toward the beach and tried to find the church, she said she said the words “Where is my church?” said that when she said “My church” she was full of happiness and joy and said she had never felt like that before. I was so happy to be able to hear that from her. She was definately ready and it was her time now I just have to hope that her family will come around and will accept it too. It was a good addition to the week, and I am really happy for her because she is happy.
We did a special fast with one of our other investigators, Clara, we did the fast so that her boyfriend would move out so she would be able to get baptized. On this Sunday the 30 th, she was doing great and the fast went great too. She told him to leave and was going to be out of the house yesterday but yet again a problem came up, she has to buy the uniforms for her kids for school and is no money so he wants to stay and work and help pay but if he stays she can’t get baptized...... it was a bit of a let down but she wants to get baptized so bad but it is one thing after the other....and they aren’t big things......maybe it is easy for me to say “ well tell him to leave and get baptized because everything will work out fine the Lord will provide.....”but I am not in the situation.....I know she will get baptized and I know it will work out, but we need more faith, this week we will find a solution so she can get baptized she is so ready and wants to so bad but its little things that keep tripping her up. I know we will see a miracle.
We found a lot of new people last week and planned for them to go to church but they didn’t but it is okay we will get them here this week. Denis and Marcos, live up on the top of Cerro Santo and just had a baby 6 months ago. They are young but are really great we just need to help them get to church and I am sure they will get baptized in Feb. The only yucky part of this time of year in Chile isa the vaccaciones because here the people don’t go away for a day or a couple days but for a month they are is crazy so a lot of the people we were working with are gone and wont be back till the end of Feb. The attendance at church was below 100 that is low for us.....crazy no? But that is life... it is all good
The weather has been weird and looks like rain but hope it doesn’t, I sure don’t like the rain in the mission especially because I don’t have any rain. Everything I had got left in Talca...Oh ya got the package thanks a lot I missed butterfingers. Hey could you put a small USA flag in my next package it is for somebody here thanks. About the animated Libro de Mormon...I was taking about the the old animated movie...if you know what I mean......but send the book I know who I want to give it to. I cannot wait to here about my Sobrino(a) (My nephew or niece) next week so make sure I hear the news! Time has gone by once again but I love you all so much and hope you all have great week and cant wait to hear from you all next week.
Sé que dios vive y nos ama, Jesucristo essu hijo y nos salva del pecado, si escuchemos a su voz, amo este evangelio y sé que estoy en la obra del señor y nadie me puede quitar la alegria que siento. les quiero y les amo muchisimo, espero que les vaya bien en la semana y que esén bien. Tengan buena semana les quiero, paz fuera (I know that God lives and loves us, Jesus Christ His son saves and us from the sin, if we listen to His voice and gospel. I know that I am in the work of the Lord because of the joy I feel. I want to teach and be a good example, I hope that I will be able to share the gospel and that they will feel it)
Love Eric

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