Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A German Town in Chile?

Hey Yal,How is it going? How are the lives of my beloved parents and sisters and brother in law and last but certainly not least my cute clean flea-less puppy? I hope all is well and you all had good weeks full of work school and little sleep. Just kidding, no really I hope all is good and you are taking a rest or a nap now and then. Don’t be like me, take naps.
Well about last week that was just me spicing stuff up I have my own newspaper in my head, a "diario" here in Chile is like those gossip magazine newspaper things that come out each week but here on Sundays and mid week and so during sacrament mtg you can here the guy in the street yelling "diario" its funny. So its all in my wacky mind.
Had another baptism yesterday and it went super bien. She is 9 yrs old daughter of a less active we are reactivating and her name is Siham. and .......................I baptized her, she asked me to do it cause I am her first missionary. My trainer and I found her last transfer and we taught her and she asked me to baptize her. I was super stoked again and less nervous. but she was super nervous. Before getting in the water we told her what was going to happen and we had to wait a bit for her nerves to calm down and we got in. I said the prayer and went to baptize her and I could feel her whole body tense up and the min she went under the water she freaked out and popped up, so I had to do it again then I got nervous.....we took a couple seconds and I just told her with my bad Spanish "tranquilla, tranquilla, la tengo" , calm, calm I have you, she was calmer and I asked if she was ready and she said yes I could feel her still a little tense but the second time was a success. It was one of those experiences that I felt like a dad...this 9 yr old girl was super scared and it was my responsibility to calm her down and help her through it and it worked out after she just had this super bright glow about her and I could just feel the radiance or the purity. It was so awesome. Baptisms pump me up, this is the Lord’s work to help his sons and daughters become clean and prepare to see him again. It is awesome. I am so happy I got to do it.
Things with my comp are a little bit better, I am being more patient, he seems to feel sick every Friday when it is comp inventory time though and I know why. The other night I was talking about how important it was that we follow the rules and commandment because how can we call people to repentance and commit them to obey if we ourselves aren’t. I have a feeling next week I will hear “Kuykendall you are staying", I wanted my first Christmas here to be with a companion I liked but oh well I will live.
We had a zone activity today and we went to a German village. Again there were 17 missionaries in a very small van. Lets just say I couldn’t feel my legs at all and it was and hour trip each way. It was fun took a tour and stuff played an awesome game of ultimate Frisbee and my team won. It was super. I had 5 touchdown throws and two catches and Hermana Williams had 5 interceptions. We were the stars of the team haha it was super fun! We have lunch there it was super good, pork tenderloin with rice and like stir fried peppers and onions and for dessert some gingerbread cookies and a german cake, super good. I will send pictures when I can. It was super fun. The Germans fled here to get away from the USA after WWII they did some bad stuff there too like torching Chileans and stuff.
It was raining in the morning but got super hot. I forgot to tell you last week what I bought I bought my first is a 3 in switch blade made in the USA. I got it cause it was only $8 super good deal. Weapons her are super cheap I got it cause whenever I need a knife I never have one so now I do. I don’t carry it around with me it stays in the apartment.
Well the grand total of kilos lost is 23. My first week here I was 113kg and now I am 90kg. I think it is about 200lbs if my math is correct. I had to add another notch in the belt. I put my jeans on this morning and they were huge. They were a littl big to begin with but now haha huge. Don’t worry about sending me new clothes I am managing and I am sure I will go up and down in weight in different areas, and plus I am going to get as much wear out my clothes as possible. haha.
I really don’t have much more to say I am rushing, I am short on time because of the activity and travel today, but I think I told you all the big news. It rains about once a week right now but it is so hot some days...I am dying.
I can’t wait to here from all of you next week hope you all have great weeks and send my love to everyone. I love you all so much think about you each day and pray for you everyday too.
tenga buena semanayo sé que jesucristo es mi salvador y su salvador tambien. yo sé que él es la unica manera nosotros podemos recibir un perdon de nuestros pecados y vivir con dios otra vez. él sufrió y murió por nostros para que nosotros podamos arrepentirnos y bautizarnos en su nombre. yo sé que esta vida es super difícil y hay muchas pruebas pero cuando nostros sigamos la manera de dios siempre nos bendecirá. yo sé que dios nos ama y escucha a nuestras oraciónes, tenenmos que ejecer fé en jesucristo y vivir los mandmientos de dios para recibir estas bendiciónes. les amo mucho co toda mi corazon, yo espero que ustedes tengan una semana super buena y tengan el espíritu con ustedes siempre. les amo, les vayan bien, cuidense.
Love, Eric

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