Monday, February 15, 2010

Scarey Dogs

Hey,How is everyone doing? I hope all is well back in the states land of snow and winter fun and Olympic games....yes I know they are in Canada! I am sure you are all super busy with your work school and wedding stuff plus church callings and other things.
I am still living, my toes and finger are still hanging on there so I should be good for another 100,000 miles this week and 900,000 hand shakes.
Big news from this week was that we had 2 investigators at church yesterday!!!!!! Luis and Gherty loved church. they just need to get married. They did go to registro civil to set up a time this week but it was closed so they will have to go again. They are awesome! They are 20 and 22 and they love me, they always talk about how I will go home and never come back and visit them and I tell them as long as they stay active and I can stay at their house, I will come visit and I will stay in contact. When we go teach them I am so happy because they are just so awesome.
I am doing good still....alive which is the best part....lots of dog have gotten close to biting me so I have got to be more careful with those rabid dogs.........We had like 5 corner us in a street the other day...I swear they were the devil. Elder Gallo was bitten, but just his pants....I told him to watch out because she had puppies.
It has been a bit rough with my companion, we went to lunch as a zone today and we were talking of how I could get through this.......just for starters, being obedient and trying my best to follow all the rules, when we leave the house I put everything else behind me and work.
The zone leaders said I got a package so I will go pick it up after I leave internet so I can enjoy it today. Please tell Heidi for me I will try to send a letter off to her this week so she will get it before she leaves. I meant to write one earlier but time has gotten away from me.
I love you all so much and hope you are all doing great. Is Em getting sealed in CA or UT? Nobody has said anything........ thanks for the letters, packages and emails they help. I am working my hardest. Love you so much, you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Chao, Love, Eric

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