Monday, February 8, 2010

Time Flys By. . . .

Hey yal how is everyone doing back in the promised land of Estados Unidos? Well it sounds like a lot of things have passed these couple weeks good and bad. I send my love to Julie and her family so if you could tell her that would be great, but the important thing is that Tony will be waiting for her and is in a place of tranquilidad y paz....he has a lot of work to do in the spirit world.
I am sorry to here that Dad was sick hope you are feeling better Pops and hope Kasey is doing better to. I hope all the rest of you are good Mom, Ally, Lisa, Tyler, Em, and Clay
We have gotten a taste of winter here the last couple days, on Saturday in the morning it was looking a little stormy and cooler out and around 4 pm the heavens opened up and it poured non stop from 4pm Saturday until noon Sunday. Saturday we were just soaked to the bone and we h only 22 people at church because of the rain and vacaciones.....but we did have an investigator Ella se llama Paula, Tiene 24 aƱos y una hija y le encotramos esta semana. She is super excited to learn and to read and find out the truth. She is Catholic and told her family but, they are letting in the house because they have had good experiencias con otros mimbros de la iglesia. She is real cool and has a fecha para 28 Feb. We invited 2 other investigators to a baptism they are , Luis y Gherty they are 20 & 22 and Gherty is pregnant. She is due any day now but the thing is they need to get married. We taught ley de castidad last night and they are super listos para guardarla y casarse, so we are having success.....just not with baptisms, but baptisms don’t show success so I am still happy and working hard. We taught 49 lessons this A lot of those were in the street and in doorways but that is awesome. Here you could walk up to anyone and start teaching and it is like normal because everyone has some kind of religion here not like in the United States.
I am sorry I don’t answer you questions if you write me just and email of questios I will do it. Sometimes when I write I get caught up in other stuff and forget to. Sorry Pops, love you, Dad.
Chiquillanes #417, Chillan, Chile. This is our house address if you want to look it up it is like 2 blocks from our chapel. The overhead view of the chapel is a building with a green roof. The chapel is on 290 Francisco Ramirez. I don’t know any of the addresses of my investigators because I just memorize how to get there and the house. But, I will try and remember and send them to you.
Last night I barely slept it was just one of those restless nights that come once and awhile and I was still tired when my companion woke me upToday is the start of a new cambio and no changes with me. I will probably be here for at least 2 more cambios. This cambio flew by so fast. Amazing how time flies sometimes.
I just want to know if you guys have like pictures or anything in the house about my mission or something just wondering.
This cambio has been a hard one, I have read my Patriarchal Blessing like million times. I love you all so much and love to hear from you all on really is my favorite day of the week.
I love you all so much cuidense and will let you know when I get my packages. I am like a week behind in my journal.....oh yeah mom I need a new journal too. Thanks love you all. Oh, congrates Pops on you Scouter award. GIVE HIM A BIG HAND....everyone puts their hands in the air! love you all Manda saludos a todos!
Love, Eric

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