Monday, June 28, 2010

A new suit! and time to say good-bye to President and Hermana Chavez

¿Cómo estai?
Espero que se encuentren bien y sanos.estoy muy bien pero las manos tienen frio.....haha no I don’t want to write you all because I don’t want to let you figure out how bad my Spanish is haha. How is everything going? What is new? What can you tell me that is funny haha? I am doing good and excited, why I don’t know but I am just happy and jazzed to be here, who needs to rationalize their happiness. I had a good but very busy week running here and there and just crashing at the end of the day. I love being here in Talca even though I miss Chillan and all the people there but I love it here. It is definitely not as cold but doesn’t bother me either way. I love the cold, my comp is dying with the cold though he wears about 20 layers while I have a short sleeve shirt and my fleece jacket, the members think I am crazy and I just tell them that my big heart pumps my blood faster and they get a laugh at it. The members are starting to like me actually yesterday I was quoted twice at church I don’t know but I know I am not that good of speaker to be quoted. The members said my talk was good last week and said I looked very comfortable like if I had be in the ward for a long time I just followed the spirit. I had a different talk planned and changed it up a bit at the last minute..... the spirit tells you everything you just have got to listen and follow. We are really trying to work with the leaders so that they can start doing their meetings again and so we can be there and help them out. Attendance is dropping and especially priesthood attendance....there were 5 not counting us 4 elders yesterday...not good. I am trying to work with the leaders to do visits and trying to re-activate members.....on top of my missionary work but I like to be busy the days fly by faster but too fast for my liking....time is just flying by so fast.
Well last Monday I did buy a suit and I meant to take pictures and send them but forgot sorry next week but I feel so much better in it. I need to get the waist taken in a little but for now it is okay. I bought it for 30,000 pesos about 70 bucks good price right? I hit the stores at the right time because last weekend it was Father’s Day Sales sweet huh? Then I gave the black suit to a member of the ward who didn’t have one he was happy and wanted to pay but I told him it was a I felt bad taking money for it. I love the suit it is a grey with pin stripes me veo bien haha. When President and Hermana Chavez saw me in it at the conference this past wed they about jumped out of their shoes they said I looked great. It made me feel good. everybody in the mission somehow knows me it is weird but i guess when you have the hardest name in the mission it gets around haha and nobody says it right haha. The conference was great but sad too to see Pres and Hermana Chavez for the last time it was hard to say goodbye but they left their emails so I can keep in touch with them. He talked about the atonement a lot and focused on it and how we need to live it everyday and comprehend it better everyday by applying it in our lives....I feel like I have done that and that is why I have seen such a huge change in me and my life. The atonement is everything there is nothing it cannot do for us, ´´La Expiación de Jesucristo me Salvó, y continuará salvándome hasta el fin´´ that is why I love and want to understand the atonement better because without I am nothing I am lost and worthless. I am just so thankful for President Chavez and all he did for me...he showed me the same love the Savior has for me and the love of a father too. Seeing Pres and Hermana Chavez made me miss Mom and Dad more, they are my mission mom and dad, scold us when we are stupid but always show unconditional love and respect. Got to give them both huge hugs and for a moment thought I was hugging mom and dad. I think that was the hardest thing to let go and say goodbye. But I am ready to meet Hermana and Pres Humphrey.
Thanks for my package and the memory stick. I will send you all the photos from the conference and see if you can find me. I love you all so much and happy late anniversary mom and dad. I miss you so much and time is flying, take care I know these things are true and I love to share the message of the restoration with everyone. Love you all so much take care and love you and miss you a bunch. Send my love and greetings to all. les amo.chau
Love Eric

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