Monday, June 21, 2010

World Cup Fever and New Friends

Hola Familia Mia,

Well it is 1:25 pm and as I sit here in a ciber in downtown Talca I can hear the chants, yelling, horns, and celebrating of all the Chilenos because Chile beat Switzerland this morning 1-0, they just love their futbol and they have got me hooked on it to. They just need to win or tie the next game and are moving on to the next round. Los Chilenos son locos.

I have completed my first week here in Piduco and what luck I had the second counselor of the Obispado came by our house friday night to meet me and to ask me to give a talk in Sacramento mtg yesterday, “bienvenidos Elder” he said to me, not only was it my first Sunday here but I had to give a talk. The members said it was the first time in the history of the ward that a new missionary on his first Sunday had to speak, I was praying to receive revelation and give a great talk. I spoke of the plan that God has for us and the scripture. from Moses ´´esta es mi obra y mi gloria llevar a cabo la inmortalidad y vida enterna del hombre´´ I related that to plan de salvacion and the importance of la expiacion in our lives and then I finished off with describing how we apply His atonement in our lives through baptism and the importance it has on full filling the work and glory of God. I finished with a testimonio of the restoration and la expiacion. I like to give talks but still is a little hard in Spanish sometimes. The members really liked it so I am thankful for the help God gave me, good first impression. I don’t know if it went that great but I know I felt the spirit and from the looks on people’s faces they did too. I know some people in this ward because have family in my last ward in Chillan so we knew each other already. All the member are scared of my name and cannot say it but oh well blessing, will have to re-teach everybody.
My comp Elder Pierce is cool he is from American Fork, Utah and I saw him get to Chile because he started in my firstt zone when I was still there. He is cool and we get along really well we are both sarcastic so we have fun. The other day the other elders in the house Elder Stephenson, AZ, and Elder Sarmiento, Ecuador, thought we were fighting but we were just being sarcastic,we have fun in the house but have to talk Spanish because of the latin but oh well, we are in Chile. I have luck with 4 elder houses, we are all in the same ward and I found out that my trainer was in the ward too so I cannot wait to write him and tell him. I sent a pictures of Elder Pierce and me. The members really miss the Elder I replaced but are warming up slowly to me. There a super awesome guy Rafael Bello who goes out with us like 4 times a week he is preparing to go on a mission. He was baptized a year ago. He is cool and we have fun. He really want to go to the states and so we are helping him learn English. He speaks pretty good already. Well our chapel is under construction till Sept so we are in a different building on near 33 Oriente and 8 sur. It is a far walk . My sector is huge and all the streets are numbers Oriente and Norte y Sur, I like names better. I live near 24 Oriente y 4 Norte I think but I will verify that. There are some nuevos converso that live two doors down and they are a cool family and the Hermana cooks super good.
I really miss Chillan and the people and my converts but I know I need to be here. It was so hard to say goodbye to my family there and it killed me to see them cry and naturally I cried to saying goodbye to them, to Obispo and his family and to familia Riquelme and especially Hermana Miriam who did so much for me and did our laundry. I tell you I hope all members can be like them showing much love and support for the missionaries. I hope you can all do the same for the missionaries there. It is hard sometimes to be here but when there are people that extend a helping hand and help you feel at home it helps. I passed tough times there but I know the Lord blessed me with the help of the members and my investigators there. I had such a hard time saying goodbye to Ignacia and Alejandra......Ingnacia reminded me I had to come back when she gets baptized....she is only 5 but I know she has felt the spirit I helped bring to that home. I am ready to work hard and form relationships with people here but it is always hard to start over. I love being here and the oportunidad to serve as a servant of God to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of the people here.
It has rained a bunch the week and was soaked to the bone but, I was happy to be outside working in the cold and rain. I am happy to wake up at 7 even though it is hard because I know I am doing the right thing. I love you all and cannot wait to tell you more sent some picturess of my companion and me last night in Chillan enjoy love you all and take care, I am always with you. I know the gospel is true and that God loves us.
love you, Eric

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