Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hello from the MTC

Dear Mom, Family and Everyone else,

Hey how is everyone doing? What’s new? How’s work, school, scouter stuff?

Well I am doing well; I am starting to get the hang of things around here and the schedule. It has been so hot and I have just been sweating nonstop so it hasn't been too fun haha. Let’s see I’ll tell you about my district; there are 12 missionaries, 4 Hermanas and 8 Elders. Let’s see Elderes (that’s Spanish) Deering and Hansen are going to Guatemala. They leave in 2 weeks because they go to the ccm (mtc) down there. Hermanas Talbot and Cornelius are going to the Santiago east mission, Hermana Jackson is going to Rancagua, and Hermana Leggitt and Elderes Grant, Squires, Higham, Bird, Thomas and Kuykendall (me) are going to Concepcion and all leave on Aug 24. It’s pretty cool because we will probably get to travel together as a district. Our teachers are Hermana Bott y Hermano Latimer they are cool and served in Bolivia and Chile. Class is super intense and they speak in all Spanish basically. And we have to try and figure out what they are saying but it is part of the learning.I CAN PRAY, BEAR MY TESTIMONY AND SHARE STUFF ABOUT THE CHURCH ALONG WITH MEETING PEOPLE IN SPANISH. It is so amazing how much I have learned so far but lots more to do!

We have amazing devotionals. Elder Holland spoke to us on Friday and it was just an awesome talk I don't have time to tell about it thought right now I only get 30 min and it will kick me off and I will lose the whole email. So if you have a lot to say send it snail mail because 30 min counts reading and composing also. The First Presidency, was here on Sunday along with the Quorum of the Twelve to set apart the new mission presidents. I saw Elder Bednar and Elder Scott leaving the ccm (mtc).

It is super busy around here and this first week has been fast but I hear it slows down quite a bit. But I tell you the spirit is so strong here and you can't deny the truth. I get so emotional whenever we sing whether in a meeting or just in class because the spirit is so strong. I sing Hymnos all day and nobody gives me dirty looks. I try to find missionaries going to San José but haven’t found any, only ones going to San Diego and Los Angeles, but I m looking. I saw Hermana Black. We see each other often she is doing great. I saw John Stuart and Cordon Davies. I think I saw Dave Rodriguez’s son and Bro Pratt from Grandma Hofheins ward, so ask her about that. Sorry this email is all over the place I just don’t want to get kicked off.

I know this Church is true and I know god loves us and knows us by name. I know He wants us to return to live with him. I know Jesu Cristo is His son and died for us all so we could return to Heavenly Father and I know through the atonement we can repent and be forgiven. I know Joseph Smith restored Christ’s Church to the earth and that President Monson is the prophet today. Yo se que el libro de Mormon es la polabra de dios and that it can help guide us. I love you all so much you are in my prayers and thank you all so much!

I love you

Love, Elder Kuykendall

PS Mom,Dad thank you for everything I don’t say that enough you are the best parents any missionary could have. I love you both.

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