Monday, March 8, 2010

The Clean-up and the All-You-Can-Eat Chilean Chinese Food Restaurant

hola a todo mi gente allà en los estados! ¿que te pasas chiquillo? ¿Còmo esta?
Well I am sure you all have the correct and real info because here the news and all the people love to freak out and make stuff sound so much worst than it really is. I have photos to send but I am short on time today so I cannot do it but will for sure next week.
This week has been a week of regular clothes and lots of service. To start we were in regular clothes because about 150 prisoners escaped from the prison in Centro. When I got here and saw the prison they said...."if someone sneezes it will fall down" haha and it did! The Elders in that sector said they heard gun shots and saw the prisoners running down their street that night, bakàn......means cool in Chileano....for this past week we have had torque de queda....curfew...this whole week and it will continue this coming week. A couple nights we had to be in at 8pm but now it is at 9pm so we have to be in the house by that time. The Policia, Ejèrcito and Carabineros are out and had permission to shoot anybody outside so we were inside. I slept with my knife next to my bed because we woke up one night and the dog was going crazy and we think someone was outside, but we have not had problems. The news people make stuff sound worst than it is. I didn’t sleep well because the aftershocks wake me up so we have all be super tired. We did a lot of service for members and investigators this week. Cleaning up brick walls that fell and houses of members that had stuff all disorganized. Chillàn got hit hard but in our area the houses are newer and so they held up a lot better. My house is fine a couple cracks in the paint and stucco....but it is a house of wood and so it held up better to this stuff. We were lucky, some of the missionarie’s houses are in bad shape, but all are okay. Our house was just super messy. We have not had the strength to clean and stuff but this morning we did a deep cleaning and all is back to normal
To tell you the truth the only reason I notice the aftershocks is because I can here the house creak and I am a light sleeper. I found the actual earthquake fun and after not so much with all the people robbing and stuff, but I think stuff is starting to level out and people are starting to calm down...I hope.
People are so freaked out that there might be a bigger earthquake here because the scientists here are stupid and know nothing. Oh and one member said this was an earthquake caused by the USA because we had a weapon that went off! haha nada que ver haha, whatever.Luis and Gerthy and their baby went to Santiago to stay with their parents. Luis doesn’t have work right now and couldn’t pay to eat so they had to go up there but I hope they come back soon. They are fine a little shaken up but good, they have a good relationship with the Obispo and went to his house because they were scared and hadn’t eaten in a couple days. The Obispo’s wife made then lunch and gave them food. I am glad they live close have a good relationship it helps us a lot.
All of our investigators were okay. I got bit by a dog last Saturday too, I forgot to tell you. It was a dog of an investigator and it hates me.....ugh but no blood or marks.I am good living but nice and tired. It was a hard week with my companion, I am praying for a cambio transfer in two weeks but who knows if there will be any changes. We are not having interviews this cambio because President Chavez can’t get out of Concepcion.
Well, I have forgotten all I wanted to say to you all and will remember 10 minutes after I sign off. If you all have questions send them to me and I hope I will answer them. I hope I have answered all of Dad’s questions.
M white shirts are clean but my service clothes aren’t, I need to by new jeans because mine are huge on me, I look so ridiculous they are like 2 sizes too big. I looked to buy here but all are expensive. It stinks because the 2 pair I brought with me are still new. I like being skinnier the members call me flacito.
I hope you are all good and hope you don’t worry too much, because I am fine. I am living and in one piece. The news reporters are stupid and they don’t know anything, it is just how it goes in the mission. There was a reason why I was called to be here during this. Chile has to be rebuilt and we will rebuild it as Zion. It might have been something to help the people clean it up and change their ways.
Sorry for this lame email but we kind of goofed around today shopping and stuff. I bought a sweet hoodie though will send pics. We went to an all you can eat Chinese food restaurant in Chile, haha it was okay but I miss American Chinese food.
I love you all so much and you are always in my thoughts and in my heart. Not a day goes by that I see something and wish one of you was next to me to share the laugh, because my Latin companion doesn’t have much of a sense of humor....he doesn’t get my dichos and quotes. I love you all so much and keep pressing forward you all.
Congrats T2 on the job....and just keep going with all your stuff. I love you all so much I know you all are busy and stuff. Thank you for your letters and emails and all I love to hear about what is up with you all back home. Love you all so much and hope you have a great week.
cuidense mucho, que les vaya bien......que dios les bendiga! les amo mucho y les quiero mucho. PAZ FUERA jajajajajajajajajaja Love Eric

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