Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Eric!!!


How is everyone doing? I hope all is good with you, and that Mom and Dad got home safe and that everybody has returned to normal life, or as normal as you can call our lives. It sounds like all of you had exciting week with lots of stories and stuff to tell.
Good stuff.
Well I have made it to the second floor finally...I have climbed 2 flights of stairs in my life and I hope many more to come. The members and missionaries are good to make a missionary feel at home for his birthday. It all started on Wed. at district meeting when they bought a cake for me and we celebrated a day early. I tried not telling a lot of people because I just wanted it to be a regular day but my companion told basically all the missionaries in the zone and the members. It was nice of them to do that for me. That night our ward mission leader invited us over and I thought it was for correlation meeting as usual but they had made pizza an sang to me and stuff because they wanted to do it on my birthday but couldn’t because we have English class at night that I am teaching. I have pics but forgot my camera so next week, then on my birthday I totally forgot and I was just doing my normal stuff and at about 8 am one of the missionaries said Happy Birthday and I was like what and then looked at my watch and said 25 mar......haha. Hermana Chavez always calls all the missionaries on their birthdays so she called me and she said my name almost right but good enough said she had been practicing with Presidente Antes Del Lamado, she is funny. At lunch the family Guajardo bought a cake and we ate Zabello Italiano. I love that dish, It is basically zucchini casserole with lots of cheese so good. Worked as usual and had English class that went good. Had about 7 non members there that night Elder Arellano, Gallo and Carlstrom bought ice cream and cake and we celebrated. We were saying it was so fun we should celebrate birthdays everyday and then we realized we don’t have enough money to do that.
It was a good day and a good week as far as work goes. Elder Gallo and I are working really well together now he has lightened up a bit and well I have changed a bit too. There isn´t as much tension in the house anymore too. We had 5 investigators at church on Sunday, Alejandra, Valentina, Daniela, Jeanette and her son Alexis. awesome way to start of the cambio and asistencia was 63 and that is super good. The family of the former Chillán stake president moved into our ward and he is awesome. We need another strong family to help us in the work. We have lunch with them this week and I am happy to get to know them. I guess the bigges noticia was that we had a baptism on Sunday too. Jeanette got baptized and Elder Gallo got to baptize her. I am really happy for her. She had made a lot of huge changes in her life. She quit smoking in a week. The only thing is she has to wait 2 weeks for her confirmación...but we will keep contaco diario with her to keep her strong and going. I am super happy for that. I will send pics next week hopefully.
That is about it for my week have been thinking a lot about you all lately, especially with Em going to the temple and birthdays and the wedding coming up but I am focused. I love you all so much and hope all is well with you all. Thank you for all the Birthday wishes. Mom try not to send much I don’t know how well mail is working if you have to send something go ahead but I don’t know how well Chile is functioning, but I am always happy to get mail. We have conference this week and I am happy to here about other missionaries and especially about Cauquenes. I have seen pictures but I want to hear about the members and my converts. I heard it just got destroyed due to all the adobe....the government building and mercado buildings totally fell down up there.
I love you all so much and I hope all is well with you all. Enjoy General Conference this weekend I will. I know the gospel is true and it is the only way we really can be happy in this life and after too. I love you all so much. Hold to the rod and walk the correct path...there is no happiness if we aren’t living in accordance to the laws of God. I love you all so much and take care. Love you
Love Eric

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