Friday, March 4, 2011

Its a Girl and Elder K's Magnetic Personality 1/31/2011

I knew it would be a girl.....I called it, now don’t be leaving me with all the boys because you know I will die with all boys...haha love u tell Tyler hi from me take care Lisa love you

Dearest family,

¿cómo están todos? How are you all doing? Whats new? Whats old? Whats broken? Whats glued? haha Well goooooooooooooooooooooood morning to all who are still sleeping which would be almost all of you be it is all good asi es the time difference. Oh well that’s life.
I am doing well and well tired but what is new? Yesterday I was dead for some reason and it was hot and we got into a house and started teaching and I was falling asleep, I was so dead, it was funny to think about and hear from my comp he said I had this blank stair on my face the whole time, Sundays are hard days. This week flew by so fast and now we are on the last day of January...crazy Icannot believe it is already gone and how fast time is flying I guess in these last days time will speed up. This week was pretty crazy though.
Thursday we all went to Coelemu which is about 1 1/2 hours from Tome out in the country and we went to go help out the Elder there and did some visits and contacts and was flat but was hot!!!! but it was fun but we left at 3:00pm and didn’t get back to Tome until about 8pm lost a lot of time but it was worth it to help out that sector. I sure don’t miss being out in the middle of nowhere I like being in a city that is a bit bigger. On Friday night we had a noche de hogar int the chapel and called Clara to make sure she was going and said she couldn’t because she didn’t have money to take the bus down the hill, so Elder Call and I ran from the top of Carlos Manhs down and then had to run up Cerro Santo the huge one we did it in 15 min and it usually is about a 30 min walk we got to her house and I was soaked even Elder Call was sweating and he never sweats but you got to do it, had a lot of members say they would come but they didn’t and it ended up being like a couple investigators and some other members of the obra misional. It was fun and had a lot of food. We made 2 brownies so much but ate it all haha. It was fun.
Clara will get baptized this month because she talked to her boy friend and he said he will be out of the house before the end of this month so she can get baptized. She is happy and us too, everybody at church asks her every week when she is getting baptized because she has been going every week for 2 months. She is more active then some members. She is awesome and is excited to get baptized. All of our other investigators went away for the whole month to vacation, so we are back to find people again and the process begins again but that is life and cannot complain because it could be much worse, but its all good it keeps me busy and working.
A super funny thing happened this week, Wednesday night we were on our way home from Cerro Alegre and it was about 10:45 and as we were about 2 blocks from home and 2 drunk guys wanted to talk to us, one guy was talking in Chinese or something and so I just started to talk in English because I didn’t understand a thing he was saying. I told him if he stopped drinking I would go visit him and he agreed so we will go by this week, but the funny part is this as we shook there hands to say goodbye he grabbed my hand and kissed it and said ´´te quiero´´ haha it wasso weird and wasn’t the first time it has happened to me but was hilarious, we laughed because all the drunks and crazy people are attracted to me and don’t just talk to me but always try to hug and kiss me....a couple weeks ago a different drunk guy ran up to me and gave me a huge hug, so weird but funny Thats life well I think I have run out of things to say......
Oh yeah well I don’t hear much about the USA here and am now hear how bad of shape CA is in from new missionaries.....but just means there is more work to do. All I know is that the winter is pretty intense there and summer is hot there haha.
I love you all so much and love reading your letter and stuff. sé que dios nos ama y que Jesucristo es el salvador del mundo y que la iglesia es verdadera, estaba pensando el orto dia de todas las cosa que tengo gracias al evangelio y son muchas, les quiero much and les amo tambien cuidese and tenga buena semana paz fuera!!!!!!
Love Eric
If you see Nick tell him love him and good luck and get his email, MTC or mission address so I can write him soon or of the Thanks love you

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