Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"When you are in the service of your fellow man you are the service of your God" 2/21/2011

Hola ¿Cómo Están?,
¡despertaos! y ¡escuchaos a mis palabras! nojust kidding, well I was so glad to be able to hear a little from everyone of you and I know you all are busy but I sure do love to receive save it be a sentence from you all . Thank You. This week was a good one but it went by fast and slow you could say, time is weird now because Elder Call and I were talking about the cambio and we realized that Eliana was baptized this cambio and it felt like such a long time ago so weird time flies by and for me it goes by too fast to keep track of it all. Thanks to my agenda I at least know what day it is.
Today is the start of a new cambio and I am still here in Tomé and Elder Call and I will be together for at least one more cambio. He is the 3rd companion that I have been with for 3 cambios....weird huh I guess it means I still have a lot to learn from him 6 weeks worth of stuff haha. Elder Huerta is going north to Talca and those are the changes in the house and Elder Deman is coming down from Talca, but I will stay here for 6 weeks more. More time to find the chosen ones here in Tome. So, today will be a chill day and tomorrow is a mission wide cleaning day but is cambios too so it means that Elder Call and I will have to clean solo oh well that is how it goes. I think I will go backwards telling you about my week because yesterday is most fresh in my head I think.....
Yesterday was stake conference and we had a transmission from Salt Lake City; Elder Maynes, Hermana Dalton, Elder Christofferson, and Elder Packer spoke. Elder Christofferson served his mission with Pres Humphrey and speaks Spanish very well and also Elder Maynes spoke in Spanish, Hermana Dalton was translated and Elder packer started his talk in Spanish and ended too....he tried his best, if was a good conference and talked abut missionary work a lot. They broadcasted to about 40 stakes and districts in Chile and told all youth under the age of 25 to prepare to go on a mission because the % of missionaries Chilenos is super low to all those who have the age to go on the mission. It was great and Clara came and she loved it she was in awwww, she said “I cannot believe I just heard 2 apostles talk” it was cool. The other Elders had a baptism last night and Clara came and we were able to share a message with her. She told us that the conference did her good and was what she needed. She set her fecha for the 5 of marzo, she said she was going to do all it took to get baptized that day. She is so awesome and is so ready. I am so thankful for the gospel because it has saved Clara from the pit where she was and even though she hasn’t gotten baptized yet, but will, that she is in a safer place now with friends and help from the members. The members have done their part and more, I have seen them make sacrifices that most others wouldn’t do and why? Because they love our Savior and they love their brother and sisters. Love is the first and greatest commandment because if we love -God we will follow His Son JesuCristo and live his commandments and we will help others to do the same. I have noticed lately and it has humbled me too.
I know that the Lord called me to serve a mission, not to teach, but to be taught! I have learned so much and as I told Elder Call yesterday, “Now that we have learned and know these things and how to be good leaders and how to teach and live the gospel we cannot NOT do it, because we would be liars” and I know that is true the Lord is our master and teacher and He changes us it is part of the plan of happiness, if we don’t leave this earth better than we came we have failed.....I have been applying this in my teaching and my life. If I am not willing to change or think I cannot do it I am saying that the plan of salvation cannot be done...change is the plan, change from bad to perfect and it can be done because JesuCristo did it and He came to show us the way.
Friday night we had another noche de hogar at the church building, Clara and her friend Jackie came and there were a couple members. It went good and was fun, just need to get more members to come because we need there help. That is the point of the noche de hogar but it was fun and well that is all that matters. Thursday was a day of a lot of walking and it was a
good day igual.
Taught Jose and Filomena early in the week and they are very confused with the apostasy and resurrection but the thing they need to do it pray. They are good people but need to pray, I know they will be baptized. They are a great family.
That is all the big news from the week, I forgot all the other stuff. My mind is so horrible I cannot remember what I ate yesterday .
Well I have got to go and cannot wait to hear from you all next week and hope there is big news again good news. I love you so much and I know the church is true and that the Lord loves us. Stay strong and don’t let go. I love you all so much and hope you have a great week.!!!!! Love you Chau Love Eric

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