Thursday, March 31, 2011

Terremoto 1 Year Anniversary February 28, 2011

Hola querida Familia, ¿Que cuetan de la tierra del norte? ¿Cómo están los gentiles por allí? ¿Cómo Se comportan? jaja ¿Cómo están ustedes? Espero que hayan tenido una semana super buena y que tenga una buena esta semana tambien jaja. les quiero tanto! Well this week flew by so fast with the cambios and all at the beginning of the week and them the usual work made the week seem short and here I am again writing you haha. I don’t have much to tell but I will tell it anyway...I tell you my memory is getting really bad have to write everything down and I have gotten lazy about writing in the journal I am a week behind no sé but I am just so dead without deseos to write but need to do it. This week we worked super hard with Clara to get her ready for here baptism date on the 6 March this coming week and she had her entrevista and everything and she is good to go!!!!!!!!!! Wooooooohoooooo! I am so stoked and she wants to get baptized in the river and call to get permission and got it so Sunday afternoon we are going to the river it will be so cool and a lot of members should come to we are tell everybody. I don’t know who will baptize her but it isn’t important what is important is that she will be baptized, they are already talking abut a calling for her. So awesome she is so ready and she is so happy. She is inviting all her friends and family to come too. I cannot wait to tell you all about the baptism this week. Tonight we are having a NDH at the family Alarcon, where I did my phone call, if you remember Kelliee....the little girl that came in during the call haha at their house haha, Clara and her kids are going and also her friend Jacqueline and her kids and also a neighbor Byron so it will be super fun and we are making some goodies to eat, it will be so fun. We received an awesome reference from the office on last Monday made the contact. It is so good, se llama Mirta, she had been praying to find the true church and her work partner sent in the referral she has a lot of deseos to learn but her work schedule is hard but it is a detail no mas haha. We found some good new people to teach and also were able to see some of the menos activa famlies we teach progress also. We met a menos activo, Carlos, he is a man who lived the american dream, he went to the USA at age 17 and studied and worked and became a doctor, joined the church young and worked in a hospital for 30 years and he moved back to Chile but he has problems with the culture he hates it and he said he wants to go back to Mexico or the USA to his old ward. He speaks perfect English and Spanish he is a cool guy and are helping him go back to the ward here because we need members like him here. He has a great life story and told us a little but I would love to hear more he is a cool guy. The new elder that got here is Elder Demann he is a cool guy from Murray Utah, Elder Thomas my MTC companion is from there also. We have had good times in the house and did a deep cleaing this week in the house and the spirit is so strong now haha “cleanliness is next to Godliness” haha, this morning we went and made pan amasado with Hermano Domingo and made it with chicharones! It is fried fat and carnes oh the pan is soooooooooo good and with queso mejor haha I love it. I am going to teach him how to made cinnamon rolls next time haha so good haha. It is chill and hope to have a chill p-day and rest up a bit. Yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of the terremoto here and well there have been some small ones but nothing to worry about. They did a memorial program here and n Dichato, but time has gone and stuff is better no need to worry if you repent and live the commandments! Well it was a great week and I look forward to another good one this week with a lot of exito!!!! Thanks for sending the package and hope I don’t get fatter........I am up to 96.2 kilos.......not good my clothes fit the save but my stomach is a little bigger and my legs look like tree stumps from climbing the hills here everyday but my companion said he would sacrifice and run with me in the morning three days a week to try to lose weight and I have cut out all snacking because I cannot gain weight, oh well that is the life! I love this work and I feel so blessed everyday to think that the Lord chose me to do it. I am not capable to do it but I know if I seek the Lord and the spirit He will bless me with the strength and knowledge so I can do it. I know this is the true church and I know because I have felt it and I ask frequently to know if I am doing what is right and He always answers yes. The gospel is easy the commandments are too but we make them hard we complicate things and we are the ones who bring the consequences upon ourselves not God we do it. I love the gospel and I love to teach it too. I love this work and love to help others understand it too. I love you so much and hope you have a great week Love Eric

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