Friday, March 4, 2011

A Visit to Dichato and Spreading the Spirit of Missionary Work 2/7/2011

Helloo que tal? 2/7

How are you all doing? What is new? I am glad to here people went to church even though it was super bowl Sunday. This week was a tough one but a fast one at that.
This morning we all 4 got up early and we headed out to Dichato! Dichato was destroyed during the tsunami and well it still looks horrible. We went and looked around and walked up and down the beach it was super foggy so nobody was there and it was covered in seaweed so nasty and had a strong seaweed smell...walked on a part of the beach we thought was sand but it was a thick bog of seaweed. I was able to move fast enough to not sink it was fun to get to know. I am sure there are some better looking beaches up north! It was a good time and well returned in about 2 hours.
Yesterday the attendance in church was very low and well I know it will be this month....Eliana showed up because she was in town and her husband had to work. It was a good surprise to see her know that she is doing well. We left with Hermano Jorge Cuevas yesterday in the tarde and contacted a referral he gave us and he is a good guy. I know he will progress better because he works with Jorge. The only thing that will be an issue is his work schedule but it will all be good. We also got to meet some menos activos and did some good contacts with him. It was fun and then headed to go visits in carlos mahns to meet with our lider misional Jose and we ended up teaching his tia and it was a very interesting lesson and got into some deep doctrine because she was a member but had her record it all came down to asking the Lord.......but sometimes people are so prideful.
We are still having a tough time finding people and the people we have either went on vacation or we cannot find it is getting hard but it is all good the Lord will bless us for our work and obediencia. Clara is still waiting for her pareja to move out and he is supposed to be out by the end of the month, prayers can help! She is good and wants to get baptized. She wasn’t able to go to church but she is okay just tired from work the day before.
We had a surprise change in the schedule this week and had to go to Concepcion on Wednesday to a conf with President and with the Concepcion Zone. It was good and I was able to learn a lot to help us in our was good but long. We left Tome at 8am and got back at 7:30pm and then out to work, so I was beat but was a good day. This week we have consejo de barrio so we have been getting all of the ideas and stuff we need to talk about read so we can be ready and prepared. I was reading a talk from Pres Hinkley from 2003 and it was about missionary work. It talked about the importance of consejo de barrio and we are going to apply the things he said about part member families and receiving referrals from the members. I hope it goes well. It is hard to get the members excited to go to the meetings but they have never seen the blessing so we are trying to help them see the blessing and how fruitful an organized meeting should be.
I hope it all goes well.
I am happy to hear Nick is finally out and that he did it! I was worried about him but now I know he will be a great missionary he is a great guy and has a good testimony. I always new he did and am glad he is out with us now.
Well time is going fast and well it is time to sign off I hope you all have a great week and that all goes well for you. I love you so much and miss you tons. I know the church is true and that God loves us and I know He has a plan for us and sent His son JesuCristo to save us from sin so that we can return to our Father. The path is simple and the teachings are clear but we are the ones that make it so complicated. I love you so much cuidense!!!!!!
Love Eric
Enjoy the picturess of the beach!!!!!!

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