Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Power of Study and Prayer 3/21/2011

Hola Familia,

How are yall doing this fine day? What’s new? Thank you for the birthday wishes and for the letters this week I love to hear about what is going on with you all. Well 2 weeks left in this cambios and found out in interviews this week that I will be getting a new companion this coming cambio, the 4 April are cambios so it will be a good weekend and have a baptism planned for the 3rd, Byron 15. Clara is doing good. She was confirmed yesterday, she was super happy and I was able to do the confirmation. She will be called to the Primary presidency I think this next week, most new converts don’t receive callings like they should which is sad but not much I can do, just insist and hint towards it but she is doing good and is happy to have received the Holy Ghost. Also this past Saturday we had a stake training meet by Pres Humphrey and talked about the new focus of the missionary work in the mission and everybody loved it. Now we have to make sure it gets done which is the hardest thing here the doing part and stepping up to the plate. But I know with the support of the leaders and the work on our part it will work out and we will see miracles here. There are good leaders and great members but all they need is a boost of energy and a bit of a push and we will get this bus moving again. We can do it. This week was good and most of our efforts this week went towards finding people. We did it through contacts and visiting in-actives and of course asking for references haha, I know the Lord is preparing the people and with our diligent work we will find them and they will accept, we have a lot of great people and prospects but the hard thing is now with school and work at full pace it is hard to find people in their house with time to share. It is disappointing but nothing is impossible if the Lord is with us. Patience is a quality of Christ, not of the natural man haha. I have a lot of work to do. Pres and the assistants gave us a boost of energy and it helped because we had been a little down but I know we will strike gold this week and the fruits of our labors will be many. I was able to gain a stronger testimony of the study of the scriptures and prayer this week, talked with a Baptist preacher this week. As we testified of profetas and apostles, he told us it doesn’t say that in the bible....I thought how does it not? I am not good for remembering scriptures but three came to my mind in this instance that spoke about the profetas and apostoles. many people read the Bible or Book of Mormon and don’t understand it, like me, but if we pray and study and look for the answer we will find it, most people are okay with the explanation of their Pastors or Preachers but in the true Church of Christ we teach that every man should search and ask himself, we should always look for the personal conviction of the truth, that is why so many people are lost because they take other people’s word for it. The Church of Jesus Christ teaches us how to be self sufficient and find the answers for ourselves and feel the spirit ourselves, I love the true church! We had a good adventure yesterday hiking up to Alegre from Bella Vista, we found two oxen in the path and couldn’t get around them so we went didn’t work we came out with thorns and scrapes and Elder Call fell off a 3 meter cliff. I had to bust out the scout skills to save him and then a rock came out from under my foot and I rolled my ankle but all is well I have great videos. It was fun haha good old camping days but was even better in shirt and tie. All is good it was funny another mission story. I caught some more pulgas this week haha they like my blood. We have a bug bomb coming this week. I love you all enjoy the pics and the sunset looking out to the bay from Cerro Alegre. I know the church is true and God does love us, we are His children! I love you all take care. Love Eric

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