Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Terremotos and the Blessings of Christ Like Love 2/14/2011

Hola Querida familia, 2/14

¿Qué tal? ¿ Qué cuentan de bueno? ¿Cómo les va po?

Well I guess I will start out with the most important thing of the week and the talk of the world and family....yes I am going to talk about ME haha, no I am just kidding. Well I am doing good......very good, exsectacular po! con sueño pero bien, I tell you I could care less if there were earthquakes all day but at night...I tell you it makes it impossible to sleep you know...its like every hour there it is a sure wake up haha, but no its all good actually I tell you it is more fun to feel big ones on the 4th floor I call it the “pasta effect” cause it is more of a wiggly feeling. The so called “Big One” on Friday happened while we were doing contacts and a lady and her son came running out of their house screaming and they were super scared. Elder Call and I looked at each other and took one step back from the cement wall we were standing next too but tranquilo no más......haha everyone ran out of their houses screaming and crying....everybody kept asking us why the gringos are always so calm during terremotos like if we were robots and didn’t feel them and we always say... “porque nosotros tenemos el don del espíritu santo y nos consuela y ustedes pueden tener lo mismo si se bautizan en la iglesia verdadera de jesucrito” it is because we have the gift of the Holy Ghost and he comforts us and you can have the same if you are baptized in the true church of JesuCristo. The usual response is....no soy catolico....oh well actually the family we were talking to during the terremoto invited us back to share because the mom said she felt peace as we calmed her down by talking to her. The Lord works in mysterious ways.... No it is all good and we are good, just chill and tired because of the lack of sleep. I like the temblores they are fun I think at least it “shakes” things up haha!

Enough talk of that but don’t worry I am okay and in good hands....the water will never reach the 4th floor and if it does.....well I will swim for it! Don’t worry I am kidding they gave us the rundown. Today we got up early and we went to Talchauno to go to the mall to go play....bowling and man was it fun. I started off good with a strike and spare and that was all I had in me but it was fun, when we got there I ate my first American donut in over 18 months...it was so good then we ate lunch at KFC MCDONALDS and CHINAKON and finished with ice cream haha healthy right? Don’t worry today was my last splurge day. It was good to have fried chicken oh how I missed it. It was fun then stopped by the office to chat and check mail and then hopped on a bus to Tome to do the rest of the days duties and here I am. I slept on the bus because I am dead tired but sleep it hard to get at night, plus the neighbors have had parties all weekend long. We got hammered with rain on Saturday and it is hot today. . . .weird summer.

This week we contacted 2 references from members and it turned out to be a family of 3 and a family of 4 and they are awesome...they are cool and we cannot wait to help them progress. We visited Jose and Filomena on Saturday in the pouring rain and we taught the restauracion, it went good and struck up a lot of dudas and preguntas about things that they had learned and I tell you I felt the spirit guiding us in that lesson and there ?s were perfect and at the end of the lesson Jose said “entonces ustedes dicen que la iglesia mormona...desculpe...la iglesia de jesucristo tiene un profeta?” it was awesome they said they would pray and have a cita tomorrow with them cannot wait to see them, cool huh? I love teaching people and I am not a good teacher but I love to do it.

Clara came to church yesterday and she was happy to have been able to go and said all week she knew she was struggling in the week because she didn’t go to church last Sunday. It is so awesome to see her tesimonio so strong and to see her desires to get baptized, she really understands it and even better she feels it and reconece que es la verdad. her pareja is leaving when he gets paid at the end of the month and she is waiting and praying for that day so she can get baptized. She has been struggling and can barely afford to put food on the table, and she doesn’t have the money to buy the uniforms for her kids, Elder Call and I were going to give her the money to buy it but yesterday a miracle happened in the church, the Hermanas in the ward donated money and also the Obispo authorized a donation from the bishops storehouse to give to Clara and her kids. They were able to get money to buy the uniformes for the kids and the food from the bishops storehouse....I know as missionaries we get upset at members for not helping us and supporting us but yesterday I could see the love and charity they had and see them support Clara in her struggles, I am so thankful for the gospel because it teaches us to love to love and give, give till it hurts and more, not just the temporal things but of ourselves, talents and time, a Hermana called to say she got the stuff from the bishops storehouse and she said it almost all didn’t fit in her car, I know the Lord is blessing Clara for her decision to live the gospel and her desire to get baptized and I know she will be blessed aun mas after her baptism. She will be a great leader in the church. She was sad when she heard cambios were next week but we told her for her to progress we have to keep moving and that the important thing is to continue moving and she committed to follow strong. She is ready. I love the gospel and I know it is a blessing in our lives as we apply it and LIVE IT and if we share it, it will be a bigger blessing.

It hurts me to see people who have fallen away or those who simply won’t accept....because I know it is true and I know they need to know it too, and sometimes all we can do is be examples and live to help them see the difference and to make them want it too. It’s not easy but it needs to be done. I have been studying capitulo 4 de pme and it is about the spirit and it has helped me try to follow the impressions of the spirit to be able to help the people feel it too, if the don’t feel it they wont follow it.

Wow I cannot believe Garrett Lambert is going out already. I imagine he will be gone before I get home, wow time flies and wow I love this work and know it is true I am learning everyday to be a better example and how I can apply the gospel better in my life and I am doing it. I love you all so much and I hope you have the best week ever! Take care and be safe, look for opportunities to serve and share and be an example. I love you so much have a great week, cuídense, les amo muchisimo!!!!!!!!!!! chau chau paz fuera!
Love Eric

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