Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Week of Ups and Downs 3/7/2011

hola Queridos Fanaticos, how are yall doing? whats new? welll thank you for your letters and thank you for your prayers, DON´T GET TRUNKY! yes i still wear my tie every fast sunday haha hay que hacerlo! it is still looking youngthough i think the tie wants to stay for two sundays wouldnt be bad......haha i guess we wil find out wont we hhaha, no extentions dont exist anymore, that sucks oh well. think in the present. haha What we do now is important. haha. Well to start of i am good living! Well there was a bit of bad news this week, Called Clara on friday to make sure her pareja got paid andwas ready to leave and well there was nothing but bad news, he didnt get paed and so she wasn´t able to get baptized, he issuposed to leave today and need to call her, she was down about it and i was sucked but we are planning for this coming sunday and it willhappen she has come to far to lose it now the lord will provide. to add to the drama she got sick and wasnt able to go to church and we couldnt get ahold of was panic for us in the church, and to put a car on the already bad week we didnt have any inv in church.....but i know it will get better, it depends de mi and my work and faith. you know i always remember in moments when i want to point a finger something a person of age taught,´´ when we point with one finger, there are 3 that are pointing back at us´´ -(i think you know who i am talking about and if not ASK THE MAN WITH MARBLES IN HIS MOUTH shssssss) yep the only person we can blame is ourselves! What did i do wrong? and , What willi do to change and not do it again¨? thank you you can cal me WISEMAN KUY! haha but in all seriousness its true we are so goodat blame and i nknowi am bad too, but i am a man and i can change....change is part of the plan of salvation!!!!! It was a tough week but elder call and i realized it was bc we had not focused on teaching by the sprit and were teaching to ´´convince´´ not ´´convert´´, we were wrong. but we made so gret metas to help us teach by the spirit and to help convert ppl not convince. that is what makes a difference, the best tachers arent those who know awesome facts and recite scriptures from memory but are those whos have the spirit, teach by it, listen to it, and help others feel it too. the spirit teahcces the truth and testifys of it too. i tell you my misssion was to teach me...haha. we saw the difference in our teaching also i read this week about how every doubt and question about the chruch depends one 2 things, Is joseph Smith a prorhet and is the Book of Mormon true? We Were taeching Elena this week and she had a question about the pope, if we though he was a prophet, i told her that we respect him as a religous leader but that we believe that a man should be called by profecia and by the laying on of hands, we explaineed that the only way to know is by reading and praying about the book of mormon, we shared our testimony and invited her to start reading again and to pray and ask if the book was true, she accepted she said she wasnt just going to read but was going to study the book, i felt the spirit guide me to say that, it took pacience and a quick prayer but he lead me there and it had better results than a different answer i could have given. i hope i can continue in this to be able to help ppl find the true and help them have the desires to know, i know God loves us bc he sends his spirit to testify to us the truth of all things. What better thing could we want, there isn´t anything! Yesterday afternoon did a mini cambio con E Bordolli and did some visits and went to visit Jacqueline , bff of Clara, and i asked ifshe had questions about her reading we left, 2 nefi 31, she said yes and i asked first what did youunderstand.? she said it was about baptism and recieving the spirit, i then told her ask her question and she said ´´What do i need to do to get baptized?´´ good question huh? i thought so too. it was great i asked whyandshe said she wanted to erase her pst and start over again and that she wanted to follow christ, we talked about baptism and the pblessing and i invited her to be baptized on the 27 march she was excitied. it wont be easy bc she has alot to change but she wants to do it and that is the important thing. sooo maybe the numbers werenttoo great this week but i feel that it was a good week and this week will be even better!!!! i donthave any fotos for yall this week but sorry, oh yay had conference on wed in conce and went great i loved it and leraned abunch, i love conference, the hns that got here after me are all going home haha time flies when you re in the mission.i got my bday package.....illtry not to peak......haha i think i can be patient haha. thanks forthe ric of the medlingers good to see them. i love youall so much and love getting your letters. i hope you are all good in ework and keep trecking forward. Hope the baby is good and that everybody is happy!!!!!!!!!!! i love you so much! thanks for the ensign of conference i am about halfway done with it...haha i love readingt the talks bc i can here there voices in my head soo cool......Everything has to do with planes!!!!!! haha I know the gospel is true and that our Heavenly father loves us and sent Jesucristo to save us, i know that this is the only true church on the face of the earth that has the`power of God to bless his children, and i know because i doubted, so i read the Book of Mormon, and i prayed to know if it was true and i felt it in my heart, i felt it and i can never deny what i felt. Jesus Christ lives and has calls prophets in thses days like those of old, He directs His church.It is so simple, ASK AND YE SHALL KNOW. I love the gospel and am thankful for the very same missionaries that sacrificed there lives to brings this marvolous gospel to our family and there is nothing more important in my life than to sacrifice so others can feel the same. Ilove you so much and wish you a greta week take care and READ AND PRAY, it works love you ttyl love Eric I got back an hour on saturday night, I am not looking forward to darker nights I like the sun!!!!!!

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